Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Why You Should Throw a Dinner Party to Talk About Death

Invite your friends over. Get the drinks flowing. Then get into a deep discussion about death. It won't be as bad as you think.

You Won't Believe How Much the Average Person Spends on Salon Visits Each Year

Beauty salons are a 20 billion dollar industry in the United States. How much are you spending on your look?

This Is How Americans Spent Their Money in the 1950s

Americans had a lot of fun spending money in the 1950s, almost as much fun as we do spending money today.

Ask The Readers: How Do You Celebrate Frugally?

Tell us how you celebrate frugally and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

6 Ways You Can Get Paid to Watch TV

Love to kick back, relax, and watch TV? Good news: You can get paid for that.

12 Smart Ways to Organize Old Photos

If you have old photo albums collecting dust in the closet, take them out, dust them off, and put them to good use!

How to Make $400+ a Week as a Pet Sitter

Need extra cash? Love animals? Get started as a pet sitter and you'll have Fido fetching you funds in no time.

10 Things I Just Won’t Do to Save Money

Turn down money-saving opportunities? Yup! One very frugal writer shares the questionable and straight-up dumb ways he won't save money.

College Move-Out Days: The Best Time to Dumpster Dive?

Every year, thousands of college students throw out everything from working TVs to unopened cans of food. Find out how to make their trash your treasure.

18 Cool Jobs for Fashion Lovers

Put your killer fashion sense to work and get a gig in the fashion world.

Living Without A Landline

I had been thinking about shedding my landline for a while. I was attached to the convenience for a long time and, more recently, unlimited calls for one price in the United States

10 Surprising Ways to Negatively Affect Your Credit Score

Even when you aren't applying for a credit card or loan, your credit score can be affected by a variety of actions — even forgetting to return your library books.

25 Great Movies About Money

Get ready to update your Netflix queue. From documentaries to comedies and more, here is the ultimate list of movies about money.

The vicious Home Rental Scam – don’t get conned.

It seems like new variations of the Nigerian 419 scam pop up every week. The one that caught my attention recently involved renting a home, and it’s a nasty trick that could take a

3 Money Arguments That Can Hurt Your Relationships

You should really nip these common money arguments in the bud before they hurt your relationships.

A Used Car Salesman Reveals Dirty Tricks (and How to Beat Them)

A former used car salesman reveals some tricks of the trade. Before you buy a used car, read this!

The Best Co-Branded Airline Credit Cards

If you're looking for an airline credit card that will get you the most bang for your purchases, these are the ones you should consider.

Ask the Readers: Which Social Networking Site Do You Use Most?

Tell which social networking site you use most and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

50 Best Deals and Coupon Sites

Coupon users are no longer scrooges but sages, wisely spending by saving. Here are a list of 50 great deals and coupon sites dedicated to serving savvy shoppers like you.

Make the World Better With These 17 Free Ways to Give Back

There are plenty of ways to donate your unwanted belongings and your time without spending a dime.