Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Finance Your New Business: It's Not as Complicated as You Think

Finding money to start a new business can seem hard — but fundamentally, the process really isn't that complicated. Learn how to get financing.

3 Undervalued Employee Virtues

Honesty is a virtue. So are inventiveness, integrated thinking, and occasional imprudence. Learn how to identify and motivate these key employee virtues.

Who's Linking to Wise Bread?

Wise Bread relies on links to help us gain readership and reach a broader audience of friends and contributors. We really appreciate how our readers and fellow bloggers promote and sustain us, so we'd just like to take a minute to say, "Yay! [more]

5 Best Amazon Deals for Friday 02/07

Today's deals include Portable Backup Battery Charger Power Bank $19.95, 70% off Blouses and Tops, 29.99 and Under Chemises, and more!

Da' Buy World: Considering "Blue Saturday"

The hard truth behind pop culture trends such as Black Friday, is that saving money on items you don't need because of a price drop, is still a net loss. While many shopped until t

Best Money Tips: How to De-Stink Feet and Shoes

Today, learn how to get rid of foot odor and shoe stink right at home, get resume tips for the homemaker, try a tasty recipe for mini pies, and more!

How Closing a Small Business Can Grow a Better One

Closing your business doesn't have to be the end of having one. These business owners found better opportunities after closing their first ventures.