Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Survive (And Perhaps Thrive) On a Teacher's Salary

In today’s economic climate, many people would be grateful to have any kind of salary, but it’s a fact that many teachers and other service professionals have always been strugglin

A Frugal Resource: The Community College

One of my favorite frugal resources is the community college. Even though I’ve taken several classes at my local college, I’ve barely tapped into the depth of resources available n

Stupid Tax Return Mistakes That Will Get You Audited

Even if you're using tax preparation software or a service, you may find yourself caught in an audit if you commit any of these costly mistakes.

How Much Personal Finance Info Should You Share?

TMI doesn't just apply to your health and love life. You might not want to spill all the beans on your finances, either.

Flying With Valuables? Keep Them Safe And Carry A Gun!

Worried about the safety of your valuables when you fly? Carry a gun and you'll keep them safe.

Flashback Friday: 160 Gift Ideas for Everyone You Know

Still looking for that perfect gift? Our collection of gift guides will help you narrow your search.

Are Outlet Malls Worth Your Time?

Find out what to watch out for at outlet malls so you end up with a deal, not a dud.

Beware of These 5 Signs You're Becoming Less Frugal

Choosing steak instead of chicken? It's easy to let go of our frugal convictions when we have a few extra dollars. Watch out for the signs!

Wise Bread's First Job Stories

From ruining a neighbor's plant to spending more than earned before even leaving work, learn about Wise Bread writers' awkward and amusing first jobs.

The 5 Best Hiking Backpacks

Bringing everything you need on a hike isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these hiking backpacks and you'll be prepared for anything on the trail.

The 5 Best Camping Stoves

Cooking meals in the great outdoors isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these camping stoves and you can have a delicious dinner in the middle of the woods.

5 Ways Newlyweds Screw Up Money Management

Marriage isn't just a joining of two people who love each other, it's also a joining of their finances. Avoid these mistakes to make sure you achieve fiscal bliss.

The 5 Best Camping Coffee Makers

Enjoying a hot cup of joe in the great outdoors isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these camping coffee makers and you can sip your java in the midst of nature.

A Journey to Vocational Freedom: Focusing your Dreams with Goals

Instead of a how-to article, or even a "Top 10" list, I want to tell you part of my own story. I've tried to put this into a list, tried to make it into something else, and I just keep coming back to the story. [more]

Knowing Your Triggers Can Prevent Emotional Spending

They don't call it "retail therapy" for nothing. Uncontrolled, emotional spending has a lot in common with other addicitons and eating disorders. One of these shared traits is the

Ask the Readers: Do You Shop Black Friday Deals?

Tell us whether you shop Black Friday deals and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Tips for April

Today we found helpful articles on ways to save money in April, bad habits that rob you blind, and budget-friendly ways to improve your health.

Two More Crafty Ways to Steal From You - GPS Units and Cell Phones.

I got another one of those emails recently, from my mother-in-law this time. As usual, I began reading with skepticism and was ready to take it all with another monstrous grain of

Don't Get Taken: How to Evaluate an Exchange Rate

You need cash for your trip abroad, but make sure that exchange rate is fair before you make the deal with your bank.

How To Avoid Gambling Away Your Investments

Some consider participating in the stock market as a form of gambling. While I agree that not everyone should be risking their money in certain investments, I believe that by takin