Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Invest If You're Worried About a Stock Market Crash

Market fear is hard to shake. If you're afraid a crash is coming, you should keep on investing; here's how.

7 Mental Roadblocks Between You and More Money

It's tough to find business success in a tough economic climate. Are your mental roadblocks making it tougher?

The Best Money Tools and Toys for Every Age Group

Whether your kids are crawling or off to college, these parent-recommended resources can help them have fun while learning how to use money responsibly.

7 Generic Beauty Buys Better Than the Expensive Originals

Don't be fooled by designer brand names and fancy packaging. For these beauty buys, give your wallet a break and go generic.

Best Money Tips: 20+ Best Apps for Selling Clothes

Today we found articles on the best apps for selling clothes, Halloween decorations you can DIY, and ways to be more charismatic.

6 Things Your Business Needs More Than Cash

You need cash to meet payroll, cover overhead, pay suppliers, but if you're frequently short, maybe your business needs more of something other than cash.

12 Natural Remedies for Stomach Pain

Put away the Pepto-Bismol and Alka-Seltzer. From indigestion to constipation, here are 12 natural remedies to help ease stomach pains.

You Can Too: 7 Amazing Things People Have Accomplished in Under a Year

You're capable of more than you think. Don't believe it? Just read what people like you have accomplished in less than a year.

7 Effortless Ways to Prevent Budget-Busting Impulse Buys

Impulse buys can really bust your budget. Here's how to resist the urge, without much effort.

3 Ways to Cut Payroll Taxes without Cutting Payroll

With a little creativity, employers can trim their share of the payroll tax burden without running afoul of the taxman.

Why Inflation?

We know how inflation happens—excess growth in the money supply. But why does inflation happen?

Not So Fast! 5 Things You Must Do After Filing Taxes

You filed your taxes — hurray! — but you aren't done just yet. Here's what you need to do to wrap up tax season and prepare for next year.

10 Financial Resolutions You Can Conquer Before New Year's

Don't wait for the ball to drop and the Champagne to pour; get cracking on these financial resolutions before the end of the year!

Best Money Tips: Save Money on a Car

Today we found some great articles on saving money on a car, making money in your free time, and how to get lower prices on everything.

7 Surprising Tax Deductions You Might Miss

April 15th is just around the corner! If you haven't filed already or are prepping for next year, don't overlook these tax deductions — they just may surprise you!

How to Protect Your Retirement Account From a Hack

You know your bank account and credit card can get hacked. But are you forgetting to monitor your hard-earned retirement savings?

Can Your Business Use a Board of Directors?

A Board of Directors can be much more than an easily met requirement of the incorporation laws.

Should Conforming Loan Limits Be Increased?

The conforming loan limit for home loans in the U.S. fell back to pre-2008 levels recently. Now lawmakers want to raise it again. Learn how it could affect you.

8 Tax Return Mistakes Even Smart People Make

Nobody's perfect — but for tax filing, even small errors have big consequences! Keep an eye out for these easy-to-make tax return miscues.

6 Myths About Men and Women and the Workplace

How many of these six gender and workplace myths have you fallen victim to?