Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Best Gas and Military Credit Card: USAA® Cashback Rewards Plus American Express® Card

For military members and their families, the USAA® Cashback Rewards Plus American Express provides the best opportunity to earn the most cash back on their purchases.

In a Rut? 6 Tips for Getting Out

Whether it's emotional or physical, whether it has to do with work, relationships, or personal goals, being in a rut sucks. Here's how to help yourself get out.

Swipe envy

All the cool kids have credit cards. What if you don't? What if you are so young, so poor, so uncool that you can't get one? Do you have to stoop to paying for your food

Finding Money: 11 Ways to Save Money you are Spending Without Sacrificing Anything

There are a number of ways to find money by rearranging your finances, stretching your shopping dollar, and spending wisely. Here is a collection of 11 Tips to help you find some m

7 Reasons Why I Savings Bonds Are a Good Choice for New Investors

Safety, low minimums, and other advantages make I Saving Bonds a good choice for new investors.

Best Money Tips: Foods You Can Freeze and How to Do It Right

Today we found helpful articles on foods you can freeze and the right way to do it, ways to save at Old Navy, and dying professions that job hunters should avoid.

Cyber Monday Tips From Our Senior Editor

In this interview with FOX 5 in Washington DC, our Senior Editor tells you about the best Cyber Monday deals and ways to save even more.

Forget Your Weaknesses and Build on Your Strengths to Find Success

Choosing the path of least resistance doesn't mean you're lazy; it means you're playing to your strengths. Here's why you should keep doing it.

Save the Planet: Work at Home

If every person in the U.S. with a telecommuting-compatible job worked at home on Earth Day, the one-day greenhouse gas savings would equate to taking 77,000 cars off the road

My 2016 Budget Challenge: Reduce Debt or Save for an Emergency?

Life's curveballs have Max and her Mr. evaluating their budget challenge as a whole. Should they stay the course?

Dads Who Do Dishes Raise Ambitious Daughters (and 4 Other Ways Any Parent Can Help Their Kid Succeed)

A recent study found that daughters of fathers who help with household chores are more ambitious. Try more ways to encourage children to aim high.

The 9 Hidden Costs of Drinking

Drinking isn't cheap, especially if you aren't aware of these nine hidden costs.

Share Your Thoughts: Consolidating Student Loans

What should one reader do to consolidate his student loan payments?

5 Reasons to Change Traditional Holiday Gift-Giving

Few of us need more stuff cluttering our lives. Discover why you should re-think traditional gift-giving...and what you should give instead.

10 Easy Back Exercises That Will Help Eliminate Pain

Back pain makes everything harder — even relaxing. Try these easy exercises that strengthen back muscles and can help prevent injury and pain.

Living the Savvy Life: A Review

Whether you're a hardcore budgeter or getting your finances in order for the first time, this book can help you save money — and achieve your goals.

15 Productive Ways to Reduce Stress

If lack of productivity is causing you stress, kill two birds with one stone with these stress relievers that help you get more done.

Dilutions of Grandeur: Stretch Your Food at Every Meal

Learn how the power of creative diluting can make your meals taste better and extend your food budget.

Affordable Sustainable Seafood Choices for Your Table

For those who love seafood but also want to be mindful of the environment and their wallets, here are some affordable and sustainable seafood choices.

How to Choose the Best Streaming Music Service for You

So little time, so many music subscriptions to choose from. Here's how to find the right one for you.