Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Travel and Money: Using Your Debit Card on the Road

Using a debit card is a great way to access cash and pay for items while traveling. But it’s not infallible; let’s explore tips for using your debit card safely.

14 Things You Can Do Now to Prep for Your Best Summer Ever

Winter blues got you down? Look ahead to summertime, and make sure this will be your best one yet.

8 Great Places to Take the Family for Spring Break

Looking to book your annual spring break vacation with the family? Consider these fun and frugal destinations.

Underpaid? Here’s How to Fix It.

If you think you're underpaid, the folks at GetRaised are willing to bet $20 that they can help you get a raise within six months. Can it work?

Half of Americans Are Wrong About Their Retirement Savings

Most Americans have no idea what their retirement outlook is, for better or worse. Are you one of them?

Never Use Cash for These 11 Things

Living the cash-only lifestyle can be good for your budget — except when it isn't. Learn why some purchases are best made on credit.

Money-Saving Tricks I Learned Planning an Elopement

I always thought that eloping meant flying to Hawaii to get married on the beach with a hired witness. I was wrong, and now I'm saving tons of money.

6 Signs That You're Sleep Deprived

Maekin moar meestakes at werk then yousyewl? Yep, that's a sign you aren't getting enough sleep.

The 5 Best White Noise Machines

Getting a good night's sleep isn't always easy, but it can be. Just use any of these white noise machines and you'll be peacefully snoozing in no time.

9 Tax Free Employee Benefits

There are many benefits employers can provide to rekindle employee morale, ensure loyalty, and increase productivity. And do it without increasing the employee’s tax burden like

5 Things Our Realtor Told Us That Weren't True

Our realtor told us several things that turned out to be untrue. Learn from these situations before taking their word for it.

7 Overpriced Holiday Gifts You Should Skip

It's the holidays and that means spending too much on over-hyped stuff. Avoid these gift list budget busters and go for real value, instead.

Best Money Tips: Gadgets That Save Time and Money

Today we found some great articles on gadgets that save time and money, how to do a full day’s work in 90 minutes, and the best gifts to re-gift.

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Boost Your Home Wi-Fi

Today we found articles easy ways to boost your home Wi-Fi, simple things that have a big impact, ways to save money on groceries without coupon burnout.

How to Feed a Large Family on a Small Budget

Feeding a big family on a budget is a big challenge! These strategies can help save money, time, and maybe a little sanity, too.

Actually, the Rich Don’t Create Jobs. Demand Does

There's been a lot of talk in the last few months about taxes on the rich. But do the rich really create jobs, or is it a smoke screen?

The Worst Investments You Can Make

If your idea of investing is ensuring that you'll never see your money again, then we have some great investment suggestions for you.

How a Single Mother In Debt Over $200K Is Fixing Her Finances

We're helping a reader get control of her debt and the rest of her finances. Read her story and find out how far she's come already!

How Investing Drives Us Crazy: Lessons From a Trade

Even when you do everything "right," you can still lose money on a trade. Get some good investing advice (even if it's not a guaranteed path to wealth).

11 Ways Life Is Amazing With an Emergency Fund

Life happens — and it usually costs money when it does. Build your emergency fund so when it happens, you're good to go.