Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Preparing for the Fiscal Cliff

There's a good chance that the "fiscal cliff" America is about to go over will be a non-issue. But that's no reason not to do a bit of preparation.'s Price Match...don't hold your breath

I'm sorry to say that my long-time lover affair with has come to an abrupt end. I've always been a fan of their low prices and free shipping, but even bett

How Much Should You Invest?

Knowing how much you should invest can be a very difficult (and very personal) question. Read this overview of your options to help you decide.

Avoid the Gift That Belly Flops

The tale of the Christmas belly flop is a sad one. The shopper finds something that looks so appealing, often on sale, and wraps it up beautifully. The givee is truly excited --

Best Money Tips: 15 Things to Do Before 2015 Ends

Today we found smart things to do before 2015 comes to an end, the best ways to make the most of Black Friday, and tips on overcoming things that limit your potential.

Scammers Stole All of My Grandma's Money

The trouble started innocently enough. For as long as I can remember, Grandma bought a lottery ticket each and every week. She promised us, her children and grandchildren, that whe

9 Times Choosing an Unpopular Color Will Save You Big

If you don't need to be on trend, buying stuff in the "wrong" color can save you a ton of money. Get your sample cards ready.

10 Easy Holiday Lighting Hacks

Get that festive glow the frugal way with these helpful Christmas lighting hacks.

4 Easy Credit Card Resolutions That Anyone Can Keep

Starting New Year's resolutions on January 1 is silly. Now that we're settling into 2013, here are some (very reasonable) resolutions for your credit card.

5 Latin American Markets to Watch

For those with a greater risk tolerance, growing Latin American economies offer opportunity. Is there room in your portfolio for a trip south?

How to Trick Yourself Into Better Credit Card Behavior

By making a few key moves before you shop, you can easily trick your brain into better credit card use. Here's how.

5 Amazing Honeymoons That Only Seem Expensive

First comes loves, then comes marriage — then comes a fabulous and frugal honeymoon!

13 Foods You Should Make Yourself

From applesauce to salsa, you can save money (and eat better!) by preparing these 13 commonly store-bought foods at home instead.

Spiritual Insights From A Rich Idiot

The last person I thought would impart valuable spiritual wisdom is self-proclaimed rich idiot and wealth guru Robert Shemin, author of “How Come That Idiot’s Rich and I’m Not?&quo

How to Refinance Your Mortgage

Refinancing can save you hundreds of dollars a month and help you pay off your mortgage faster. Here's a quick overview of the process.

To Stay on Financial Track, Perform a Yearly Earnings Review

If you want to make sure you're on the right financial track, add a review of your earnings to your annual tax-time financial routine.

Win a 2012 Money Planner Workbook!

This 2012 Money Planner can help you define and achieve your goals for the next year and beyond — and we're giving away three for free.

Ask the Readers: Do You Buy Apps?

Tell us if you buy apps and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Your Vacation This Summer

Today we found some fantastic articles on saving money on your summer vacation, building a library on the cheap, and money lessons from Mad Men.

4 Ways Your IRA Beats Your Savings Account

You already know that you should save for retirement, but it's important to understand why that money should be in retirement-specific account.