Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Cloud Funding Offers More Than Pennies From Heaven

In the age of social networking, if you need money for an art project or for a new business, friending could also mean funding.

Benefiting from Government Spending Without Being a Government Contractor

From applying for grants to approaching new customers who receive federal funding, there are several ways your business can take advantage of government dollars.

8 Bad Financial Habits You Should Drop

Bad habits are made to be broken.

Best Money Tips: How to Not Gain Weight Over the Holidays

Today we found some great articles on how to not gain weight over the holidays, ways to make extra money, and things not to buy during the holidays.

The Ability To Execute Is Your Most Valuable Asset

Stop talking about it, planning for it, dreaming of it and start getting it done.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/21, 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Affording Unexpected Health Costs! Join our conversation with Cigna for chance to win $300 in Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat and #DIAMChat to participate!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Monday 09/23

Today's great deals include 50% off women's jeans, 54% off Breaking Bad, 50% off Skechers sneakers, and more!

10 Dumbest Business Mistakes of 2009

These head-scratching moves will help keep our own business mistakes in perspective as we move into 2010. No matter how big your mistakes seemed last year, these 10 prove that y

Insurance Overview for Small Business Owners

Running your small business is a multi-faceted task, of which risk management plays a vital role. And insurance in turn is a crucial element to risk management.

10 Unusual Ways to Cut Costs in the Office

The expenses that go with operating an office feel like they're very set, but if you're willing to think outside the box, there are some ways to reduce the money you spend.

How to Become the Richest Man in Poughkeepsie

Accumulating real wealth is actually much simpler than most people believe.

How to Build a Great Reputation from Scratch

A good reputation is a small business's best asset. Acquiring one when starting out requires creative thinking and a little hard work.

State and Local Tax Surprises for Your Small Business

Finally coming to terms with your Federal taxes? Watch out for these state and local tax situations.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 2/16, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Frugal Entertainment. Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

FinCon12: The Second Annual Financial Blogger Conference

The 2nd Annual Financial Blogger Conference is just days away! Phil Taylor from PT Money has an amazing conference planned for all attendees!

6 Elements of a Killer Blog Post

Follow this simple formula for creating popular and informative blog posts.

Win $20,000 and Facebook Makeover For Your Small Business

What can your small business do with $20,000 and completely new Facebook makeover?

Best Money Tips: Job Interview Myths

Today, we share 10 myths about job interviews, green ideas for a sustainable Thanksgiving, and helpful tips for smooth carpooling.

5 Ways You Can Improve Cash Flow with Your Invoices

Most clients tend to pay on a net-30 basis — no number of phone calls or nagging will change that number. But a few tweaks to your invoices can often make a difference in how so

Corporate Rules to Unlearn

Working for a large corporation can provide valuable experience, but when it comes to running a small business, following corporate rules could hurt your bottom line.