Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

My best posts that got no attention

A few times I've written a post that I thought was good, but that seemed to vanish into the blogosphere without a trace. On my two-year anniversary of writing for Wise Bread, I

Earn Free Travel Sooner With These Frequent Flyer Mileage Secrets

Make your frequent flyer miles work for you, and earn free travel fast!

Best Money Tips: Ways Families Can Save Money in February

Today we found some great articles on ways families can save in February, side hustle ideas, and smarter ways to give to charity.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Your Food Bill

Today we found some fantastic articles on saving on your food bill, painless ways to save for your next vacation, and phrases not to use at work.

Best Money Tips: 16 Ways Not to Blow Your Tax Refund

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share the ultimate guide to greening your home, 14 gadgets that may or may not be green, and 16 ways to NOT blow your

How Trump's Presidency Might Change Student Loans

Whether you wanted Trump to win or not, you still need to know how his presidency might affect your student loans.

Best Money Tips: Become A Millionaire By Age 30

Today we found some awesome articles on becoming a millionaire by age 30, being frugal when your significant other isn't, and the best and worst places to make a living.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money at Target

Today we found some great articles on ways to save money at target, getting the most from your auto insurance claim, and crucial things to know about life.

4 Things Most People Don't Realize Are Holding Them Back

Is it always two steps forward, one step back? Don't get frustrated — understand what's holding you back, then move forward around it.

5 Things Millennials Do Later Than Previous Generations Did

Today's twenty- and thirty-somethings are putting off a host of big life-defining moments. Find out what they're waiting for — and why.

Best Money Tips: Think Like an Extreme Couponer

Today we found some awesome articles on thinking like an extreme couponer, common investor mistakes, and cost cutting strategies for newlyweds.

Frugal Uses for a Camera

A camera can preserve your important memories, but it can also help you make extra income, teach kids about money, and much more.

Save Money and Go Green by Making Your Office Paperless

The idea of a "paperless" office has been around a long time. The right system can streamline an office into a more efficient and green business.

VA Home Loan Benefits and Myths

Many veterans and active service members don't realize they're eligible for VA home loans, which can both save them money and provide other substantial benefits.

Best Money Tips: Save Money With Your New Dog

Today we found some great articles on saving money with your new dog, how to fix errors on your credit report, and saving money by doing it yourself.

7 Bootstrapping Principles Any Business Can Use

In a tough economy, too much focus on cost cutting can stifle growth. Here's how to keep your company growing without blowing your budget.

The $100 laptop...for sale to the public?

Fancy a brand new hand-cranked laptop for a few hundred bucks? Well, it may just happen. It seems plans are afoot to offer the $100 laptop for sale to the general public, and not just the poor children of the world. [more]

Nobody walks in LA - or anywhere!

There's a saying that no one ever walks anywhere in Los Angeles. Apparently, that idea has been imported to where I live. Now if only we could get a King Taco. I just started up a contracting job with a little company named Microsoft. [more]

The Toyota I-Unit; would you drive it?

We've been talking a lot about gas prices recently. That's no surprise considering we're paying almost three times more for gas than we were six years ago. [more]

Cure it with Garlic!

I am married to a garlic lover. Not that my husband craves the pungent flavoring in his meals, but rather is insistent on eating it to ward off any impending sickness. [more]