Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money in College

Today we found some great articles on ways to save money in college, free or inexpensive ways to have a good time, and interview tips that will help you get a job.

Does Energy-Efficient Equipment Make a Difference in Operating Costs?

Energy-efficient equipment is promoted as a way to save money for your business, but will the money saved make a noticeable difference in your operating costs?

How to Focus on Your Ideal Customer

Small businesses need to create a persona of their ideal customer — not average, but ideal — so they have an actual living, breathing person in mind to target.

Make the Most of Your Local Chamber of Commerce

From advertising to networking, your Chamber of Commerce can offer your business scores of benefits...if you're a member.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Friday 02/07

Today's deals include Portable Backup Battery Charger Power Bank $19.95, 70% off Blouses and Tops, 29.99 and Under Chemises, and more!

How Closing a Small Business Can Grow a Better One

Closing your business doesn't have to be the end of having one. These business owners found better opportunities after closing their first ventures.

Finance Your New Business: It's Not as Complicated as You Think

Finding money to start a new business can seem hard — but fundamentally, the process really isn't that complicated. Learn how to get financing.