Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: How to Eat Healthy Even During the Holidays

Today we found articles on ways to eat healthy during the holidays, the best dollar store finds, and how the save money on car expenses.

25 tips from the frugally insane.

These frugal moves may be extreme, but they're good for a laugh!

Lock bumping - your home isn't safe

I heard about lock bumping last month from a friend. I figured it was all just a bunch of hokum. But I checked it out. It's not a myth, it's not an urban legend. Crooks can make a generic key to open any lock, including yours. And it's easy. [more]

5 Ways to Handle Big City Rents

Big city life comes with big city costs. Here's how you can shave dollars off an apartment rental.

Best Money Tips: 216 Affordable Gifts for Everyone on Your List

Today we found some awesome articles on 216 gifts for everyone on your list, frugal lunch ideas, and reasons to list or buy a home in December.

Hand-me-down Cell Phones

If you lose or drown your cellular phone before you're eligible for an upgrade, don't buy a new one. Ask around and you're sure to find someone with an unused handset t

Best Money Tips: Loyalty Programs You've Never Heard Of

Today we found customer loyalty programs you’ve never heard of, overlooked expenses that ruin your budget, and cheap ways to treat yourself.

Essential Money Lessons for Recent Grads

Learning the ins and out of managing money can be daunting, especially for young adults. Master these financial fundamentals to get off to a good start.

The Best Credit Cards with Anniversary Bonuses

Many credit cards offer anniversary bonuses each year when you renew your card membership as an extra bonus for being a member.

How to Find the Best Back to School Sales

Those back-to-school lists get longer every year. Stock up on supplies while raking in the savings with these sales strategies.

New Isn't Always Better: 12 Used Things to Love

Buying used usually costs less and that's always a plus. Even better -- some goods really do get better with age.

How to Accept Criticism and Become an Awesome Person

Sometimes criticism, even if constructive, is tough to take. Here's how to grow a thicker skin so you can learn and grow from those critical comments.

How to Budget and Track Expenses for Your Next Vacation

Budget Your Trip is a free online tool that puts some science into estimating, budgeting, and tracking your expenses for your next vacation.

Sinking Dollar: This Time on Purpose

The Fed wants to keep the inflation rate up around 2%, because their efforts to boost the economy only get traction when they can push interest rates well below the inflation rate.

6 Ways Debt Settlement Can Leave You Deeper in Debt (Even With Trustworthy Companies)

It's true. Debt settlement can actually leave you deeper in debt after you've settled with your creditors. Here's what to watch for.

Not Insuring These 6 Things Could Bankrupt You

You know you've become a responsible adult when you start worrying about insurance. Here's what you need to protect.

How to Fix a Bike Flat

The open road, miles away from home (and cell coverage), is no place to discover that you don’t know how to repair a flat tire. Learn now.

How to Handle a Sudden Loss of Income

Don't let a sudden loss of income cause financial paralysis. Take these smart steps to handle the situation and minimize the damage.

5 Money-Saving Tips for the Summer Road Trip

Millions of Americans will hit the road this summer for the time-honored family vacation. Here are some tips to ensure the family budget doesn't take a hit.

Flashback Friday: 61 Affordable Ways to Embrace All Things Autumn

Fall is finally here. Embrace the coziness of the season without spending all your money.