Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Smart Things to Do With $25

They say $25 can't buy you a lot these days. Well, "they" are not always correct. Check out this list for 10 great, useful ways to spend that cash.

Pop That Corkage: A Cross-country BYO Roundup

BYOB is all the rage right now! Find out where you can bring your own wine to dinner in your favorite cities.

7 Surprising Ways Retirement Has Gotten Easier

Good news, older Americans; retirement is better than ever.

2 ways to find your dream amidst life's chaos

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about my husband's and my choice to take some risks and follow our dreams. [more]

Deal Killers: 5 Phrases to Avoid When Negotiating

Negotiating can sometimes be stressful, and that stress can make buyers and sellers say dumb things. Learn to score better deals by avoiding these phrases.

XM satellite radio/car combo for under $6 and free shipping!

Quick deal for you folks, and a sweet one too. [more]

7 Signs Your 401(k) is Underperforming

If your 401(k) is failing to impress, better to know it now than never. Here are some early warning signs your retirement fund is sinking.

How a Family of 4 Can Book a Disney Vacation for $1,000 or Less

Disney World is known for being a budget buster. But luckily, there's a way for you and your family to get in and out for under $1,000.

Does Your Teenager Really Need a Credit Card?

Does your teenager actually need a credit card? Probably.

Hitching a Ride on an Airplane

Hitch hiking has been done for years and years. Simply stick your thumb out and wait for a benevolent driver to stop. But how about thumbing a ride on an airplane?

10 Kicky Drinks Without the Caffeine

At one point or another, you may find yourself needing to cut caffeine from your diet (or at least scaling way back). As a tribute to all those who have had to do without, I gi

When Priorities Collide: How to Keep Your Head

My guess is that many of you Wisebread readers know your financial priorities and have some idea of how you want to achieve these, though you may not have all the details ironed ou

Little Old Lady Recipes: Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes

Is it really Thanksgiving without buttery, marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes? Our Senior Editor shares the recipe from her book of classic comfort food.

Downside of the Rolling Jubilee

The Rolling Jubilee is a great PR move — buying, then forgiving debt from real people. But in terms of change, one writer says it might hurt more than help.

Holiday Lessons Learned: Advice To Avoid Rip-Offs NYC

This holiday season has been rough for me. I moved out to New York for a few months and thought I'd be set with my savings and supplementary, lucrative temp work. However, at t

Best Money Tips: Make the Most of Holiday Shopping

Today we found ways to make the most of holiday shopping, tips to build confidence as a public speaker, and common money mistakes that military members make.

How to Decide If a Membership Is Worth the Price

Before you sign up for another monthly payment, make sure that membership is worth it.

Coming to Terms With Your Long-Term Debt

If you're in debt, you're not alone. Millions of people are struggling with payments, but coming to terms with your long-term debt might be the key to paying it off.

Lots of FREE Eats for Leap Year Babies

Born on the 29th of February? Like FREE food? You’re in

10 Ways to Revive Your Resolution to Exercise

If you're like most of us, you've lost your New Year's resolve to exercise more. Here are 10 ways to rekindle your motivation and restart your health kick.