Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

25 Ways to Have Cheap Summer Fun

From picnics and photography to movies, magic, and even massages, discover 25 great ways to have cheap (or free!) summer fun.

The Photographer's Dilemma: Quintessential Tips for Frugal Photography

Digital photography is like a virus that is slowly overtaking my friends. Seriously. One person in my group of friends got a digital camera. He took some pictures and shared them with his friends. [more]

How Credit Card Issuers Classify Your Purchases For Bonus Rewards

Here are some tips to figure out which purchases qualify for bonus rewards, so you can be sure to choose the right credit card for any purchase.

Is Infrastructure Destiny?

Today is National Ride Your Bike to Work Day. I have a bike but I chose to drive in my “Share the Road” license-plate embellished car today. Why? The route from home to office, though short, is treacherous. [more]

Create Your Own Raise

If you haven't gotten a raise recently, maybe you need to create your own. Here's how.

$7 off of Crest Whitestrips

Whitening your teeth is not cheap. I've never had the dentist whiten my chompers, but I have used Crest Whitestrips, and they worked pretty darn well. They were also pretty darn expensive (around $30 or so). [more]

Financial Experts Share Their Biggest Credit Mistakes

Financial experts have made credit mistakes, too. Here's what they've learned from those mistakes.