Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Get a Free Fraud Alert on Your Credit Report

Placing a fraud alert on your credit report is an easy (and free!) way to protect yourself from identity theft. But there's a catch.

6 Signs You Should Refinance Your Student Loans With a Private Lender

Is it time to refinance your student loans with a private lender? Here are six signs it might be.

Little Road Trips Here and There: Little Savings Everywhere

While we’ve been pondering shorter vacations, staycations, and the like, there is nothing like the great American road trip to feel truly connected to this great land of ours. It d

Turn One Room Into Two With These 10 Simple Tricks

You can't create more space in your tiny place, but you can create more spaces with some clever design ideas. You can get more storage, too!

A Comprehensive Guide to the Envelope System

Whether you're intimidated by budgeting or are just looking for a new technique, the simple and effective envelope system can make budgeting oh-so-easy.

10 Great Side Jobs for Introverts

If you're looking for extra money with almost zero interaction with other people, you don't have to look far — and you won't have to fake a smile, either.

Here's What to Do If You Can't Afford Your Mortgage Payment

If tough finances have made you miss some mortgage payments, it's time to get proactive with your lender — and your budget.

When to Splurge: Resume Writer

There are times when spending is the same as investing. And when it comes to putting your best face forward in a job search, you should invest in yourself. Invest... in a resume writer. [more]

7 Important Money Moves to Make in the New Year, According to Financial Advisors

Now that we've entered a new year, and a new decade, it's time to make these smart money moves.

30 Minutes to a LinkedIn Profile That Gets You Hired

Give your LinkedIn profile the professional pizzazz it needs without hiring a professional — or becoming one yourself!

Are You Letting FOMO Ruin Your Finances?

FOMO can prompt us to make a lot of questionable decisions. Get your envy in check and regain control of your life — and your money.

Why Our Brains Want to Buy New Stuff, Even When We Don't Need It

Overspending on stuff you don't need is a problem for many Americans. Learn why the solution is not so simple as "spend less," and what you can actually do to help.

10 Ways Even Shy People Can Fake Confidence and Get Ahead

Fake it 'til you make it is a lot easier said than done. Even shrinking violets can exude confidence with these simple posture and speech hacks.

Best Money Tips: How to Clean Your Car Like a Pro

Today we found some great articles on the best professional car cleaning tips, ways global warming may affect your finances, and small kitchen appliances you don’t really need.

3 Ways Your Bank Account Can Boost Your Travel Rewards

You've heard of credit cards offering airline miles, but checking and savings accounts? Yep, even those who insist on cash can earn miles.

The 5 Best Bug Sprays for Home Pest Control

Keeping your home bug-free during the warmer months isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these bug sprays for home pest control and your sacred space will remain bugless.

7 Penalty-Free Ways to Withdraw Money From Your Retirement Account

Borrow money from your IRA, penalty-free? It's possible in these seven scenarios!

6 Safe Places to Visit in South America

These South American destinations are beautiful, affordable, and safer to visit than you might think.

The 5 Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils

Choosing the right oil to cook with isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these five extra virgin olive oils and everything in life will taste better.

The High Cost of Cheap Food

Cheap eats might be destroying your waistline, your health, and the environment, too. Learn about the costs — and what you can do about them.