Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The best things in life are (more or less) free

Now, at the risk of sounding like a great big softy, I have to share a moment that I experienced recently that reminded me of the real value of money and the place I want it to have in my life. Over the weekend, I was driving around Queen Anne hill [more]

Guide to Better Style: The Curated Closet

Closet a mess? Wardrobe uninspiring? Take a look at how to transform the chaos into a collection that reflects your personal style.

Youth and Money: Finding the Frugal Balance

People who are living on their own for the first time have some of the smallest budgets — and biggest plans. Here's how to enjoy your money now AND later.

Best Money Tips: 7 Common Cleaning Mistakes

Today we found some great articles on cleaning mistakes that almost everyone makes, tips for gym newbies, and money saving mistakes to avoid.

Perfect Peanut Sauce

Shake up your usual vegan fare with these kick-ass peanut sauces!

25 Ways to Have Cheap Summer Fun

From picnics and photography to movies, magic, and even massages, discover 25 great ways to have cheap (or free!) summer fun.

The Photographer's Dilemma: Quintessential Tips for Frugal Photography

Digital photography is like a virus that is slowly overtaking my friends. Seriously. One person in my group of friends got a digital camera. He took some pictures and shared them with his friends. [more]