Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Maximize Rewards on Everyday Spending

If you're not using your travel or cash back card for certain expenses, you're leaving valuable rewards on the table.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Holiday Gifts?

Tell us how you save money on holiday gifts and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Eat Well on Just $20 a Week (With Meal Plans!)

If you shop smart and keep your recipes simple and healthful, you really can eat for a whole week on just $20. Here's how.

6 Ways to Vet an IPO Before You Buy

The Facebook IPO has been the subject of a lot of hype — much of which it hasn't lived up to. Learn how to make a well-informed IPO purchase.

10 Money Goals All 30-Somethings Should Have

You're not 29 anymore. Do you have your act together, financially?

6 Ways to Guarantee Income in Retirement

Retire your fears of outliving your savings. Here's how to guarantee income in your golden years.

50 Ways to Use Canned Salmon

Love fresh salmon but not the fresh price? Substitute affordable canned salmon for frugal and flavorful seafood feasts.

Home Improvements That Pay Off

If you're eventually planning to sell your home want to spruce it up, follow these suggestions to make savvy improvements that provide the best ROI.

5 Things Lenders Look For in a Loan Application

Ready to make a house a home? Get a leg up on a mortgage application by knowing what lenders are looking for.

You Won't Believe How Much the Average Person Spends on Salon Visits Each Year

Beauty salons are a 20 billion dollar industry in the United States. How much are you spending on your look?

5 Homemade Stain Removers That Actually Work

For pesky household stains, skip the store-bought cleaners — you can beat the grime with common household items you already have.

10 Ways to Spot a Motivated Seller

The housing market is currently red-hot, but that doesn't mean you can't strike a deal. Keep your eyes peeled for signs a seller really wants to sell.

How to Enjoy Disney World on the Cheap

The Happiest Place on Earth just got a little happier. Experience the magic of Disney without making your budget the saddest.

10 Easy Plumbing Repairs That Don't Require a Plumber

Tired of paying for plumbing repairs? A plumbing industry veteran shares 10 easy repairs that don't require an expensive visit from the plumber.

5 Ways to Say "No" to Friends and Family

It's not always easy to say no to the people you love. Reclaim your time while keeping your relationships with these five ways to say "nay."

Why Our Brains Want to Buy New Stuff, Even When We Don't Need It

Overspending on stuff you don't need is a problem for many Americans. Learn why the solution is not so simple as "spend less," and what you can actually do to help.

McCain or Obama? Who’ll be better for your wallet?

I want to keep this factual. This is not an article on who should be the next President, or as these campaigns usually go, who shouldn’t be President. This is a simple presentation

Are Music Lessons Worth It? Hidden Benefits May Tip the Scale

Music lessons for your child can be costly. But from teaching discipline to fostering a love of music to even improving math skills, the benefits are great.

50 Fun Things to Do When You're Stuck Inside During Winter

Snowed in or rained out — again? Stave off cabin fever with this collection of creative, fun, and frugal indoor activities.

The 5 Best Solar Power Banks

A solar powered charger, like one of these five best choices, can keep your gadgets topped up with juice as long as the sun shall shine.