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Killin 'em Out There: The School Clothes Conundrum

How do you break the cycle when social engineering and personal spending habits that are as unique as your genetic coding, are emptying your pockets?

Decorating a Living Room for You and Your Money

You live in it. It's your work space, your meal space, your resting space, your relaxing space. It's where you drop your things when you come home and where you search for

Get Fit and Pocket Up to $1,200 With Employer Wellness Programs

You may be able to pocket some serious cash if you get serious about your health. Learn how to earn wellness incentives worth up to $1,200.

5 More Ways to Save Money on Homeschool Supplies

Check out these updated savings strategies for school books and supplies to give your child a rich curriculum on a modest budget.

Cutting the Grocery Bill: Reducing the Cost of a Good Spice Rack

I’ve managed to cut my grocery bill in half, but I’ve struggled with one set of expenses more than I ever though possible. I use a lot of spices and every time I turn around, I fee

Avoid These 5 Common Gym Budget Busters

That gym membership may be burning a hole in your pocket along with those extra calories.

Don't Greenwash Your Holiday

From hybrid car rentals to carbon offsets, green hotels to conservation oriented vacation packages, the number of options now available to the environmentally conscious traveler ar

A Prairie Farmer’s Meal Plan: Eat for a Buck or Two a Day

The economy and rising gas costs have consumed at least 60% of my regular news and public television broadcast programming. While I’ve heard all there is to hear about how bad foo

The 5 Best Window Air Conditioners

Staying cooled off on hot summer days isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these air conditioners and you will always be comfortably chilled.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Stay Active in the Winter?

Tell us how you stay active in winter and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Make You Wanna Holla Presentation

In a realm where the DJ is dead and many spend more time texting and e-mailing than talking, defeat the Borg with a little bit of imagination. And if you've got your PC or Mac join

Best Money Tips: How to Start Saving Money

Today we found some stellar articles on how to start saving money, successfully taking in a roommate, and throwing a frugal Fourth of July party.

Too many online accounts? You need an aggregator.

From Twitter to Digg, emails to IM and let's not forget all those social networking sites, its easy to get bogged down just by logging on. Fortunately, you can keep your online

Women Are Responsible For Inequalities in the Workplace

It’s not news that women tend to hit glass ceilings in the workplace far sooner than men do. It’s also not news that women tend to earn less money than their male counterparts in e

Ask the Readers: Where Did You Learn About Personal Finance?

Tell us where you learned about personal finance and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Missing Opportunities to Save Your Money: Highlights from Our Chat With myRA

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with myRA on missing opportunities to save your money!

My Small-Town Move That Ended The Job-Search Blues

When I was a new college grad, I wanted to live and work in a big city with great opportunities. I didn't know that an unemployment rate of 9-10% as I entered the workforce wasn't

Be at Peace in Less Than 5 Minutes

There's a simple, universal secret to eliminating stress, fear, and anxiety. It might surprise you to discover how easy it is to be at peace.

4 Smooth Moves for Graduates

If you're a recent college graduate, you must do everything possible to polish up your personal life and beef up your financial profile to stay near the front of the employment