Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Flashback Friday: 44 Sneaky Shopping Traps to Avoid

You've got your list, and you trust your willpower is strong. But then something shiny lures you in, and oh, it's on sale! Here's how to resist those sneaky shopping traps.

New Study Says You Should Spend Less on Kids Sports. Here's How.

Good news: spending less on your kid’s sports will actually make him better at them, according to new research. Now how to go about saving...

Turn Your Passion Into A Living

Finding your dream job or life's work may not be as hard as we all make it out to be if we decide to take action towards this goal.

Best Money Tips: How to Use Hashtags Effectively

Today we found articles on ways to use hashtags effectively, websites that will help save you tons of money, and ways to improve your to-do lists.

Do This One Thing Every Day to Defeat Out-of-Control Spending

If you're worried about how much you're spending, keep your wallet in check with this simple daily task that has profound long-term effects.

How to Save Money Buying a New Car and Be Happy

You can actually enjoy the car-buying process. Really. Learn how to shop for a new car and stay sane.

The 5 Best Touchless Trash Cans

Avoiding germs when dealing with trash isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these touchless trash cans and you can dispose of waste without any of the grime.

Best Money Tips: The Travel Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on travel!

What is "Quantitative Easing" Anyway?

Recently the news is abuzz with the term "quantitative easing."  What is it anyway and how does it affect you?

4 Ways to Bug Your Boss for More Money – and Get It!

Before you blow off the idea that your work is worth a bump in the pay scale, check out these four clever tips for putting in a good word about your worth.

Best Money Tips: Easy Apple Muffins

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you a simple recipe for apple pie muffins, 20 things that are cheaper to buy than fix, and how to avoid common inves

The 5 Best Woks

Want to make the best stir-fry recipes in the comfort of your own home? Then these five versatile woks deserve a spot in your kitchen arsenal.

Best Money Tips: Homemade Hot Chocolate

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you a simple recipe for homemade hot cocoa, a cool way to fold old paperbacks, and 10 deviled egg recipes to die for

8 Great Places to Take the Family for Spring Break

Looking to book your annual spring break vacation with the family? Consider these fun and frugal destinations.

Travel and Money: Passport Carrying Tips

Losing your passport (or having it stolen) while you're traveling can be a costly disaster to contend with. Here are ways to reduce the chances of your passport going missing, and

20 Habits You Must Start Right Now and Be a Better Person

Become the best possible version of you by developing these wholesome, productive habits. Once they've stuck, you're on your way!

5 Low-Cost Travel Items That Can Save You Big On Your Next Trip

These low-cost travel buys can save you big on your next trip.

The 10 Most Low Effort Ways to Save Money Ever

Saving more money is easy once you set your mind to it. Start doing so with these simple savings strategies.

Beware of the Phrase "We Can Cut Your Debt In Half!"

Debt settlement agencies claim they can cut your debt in half. But sometimes they don't follow through on their promises...and can even make things worse.

Back the Truck Up: How to Avoid Car Repair Rip-Offs

When your car is broken, don't get taken for a ride. Instead, learn how to make sure you're getting quality car repairs for as little money as possible.