Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What's Your Favorite Frugal Comfort Food?

Tell us about your favorite frugal comfort food and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card or a copy of Little Old Lady Recipes!

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Review Your Credit Report?

Tell us how often you review your credit report and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Cricket's $5,600 Giveaway: Plus $1,000 Just for Our Readers

Fun daily challenges with many chances to win thousands of dollars in prizes!

Making Change Count

I brought a bag filled with quarters to pay for my meal at an Italian restaurant recently. I’ve been taking an informal survey of merchants to see who welcomes my coins. Having rec

Best Money Tips: Effectively Reduce Your Food Budget

Today we found some great articles on reducing your food budget, social media's role in job search, and saving on your water bill.

Best Money Tips: How to Master Make-Ahead Meals

Today we found helpful articles on how to master make-ahead meals, unexpected tips to prepare for any interview, and financial mistakes that newly single people make.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Frugal Summer Activities?

Tell us about your favorite frugal summer activities and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Can you Travel Light? Great! Fly Internationally for Free

Can you travel with carry on luggage only? Do you fly solo? And can you fly last minute? Great! Now you can fly for drastically discounted rates, and sometimes even for free.

Teaching Children About the "Other" December Holidays

By teaching our children about the "other" December holidays, we can help them to learn about cultures and traditions that are different from their own.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Big on Summer Flights

Today we found articles on tips for saving big on summer flights, an expert’s guide to making money from flea market flips, and the secrets to maintaining weight loss.

Cheap Thrills That Actually Satisfy

From whipping down hills to walking out on a stage and making up everything on the spot, discover cheap thrills that satisfy.

The new normal economy

The economy is way short of full employment, so naturally, consumer spending is down. Sooner or later employment, I think, will return to normal levels. Consumer spending will re

You Can Watch Your Netflix Instant Queue Using Your Xbox 360

Recently, my son noticed that the Netflix logo appeared on his Xbox 360, when he was just browsing through his “dashboard”. He knows way more about the Xbox than I ever will, but

How Much Does a Flu Shot Cost?

When it comes time for you to think about getting your seasonal flu shot, there are a few ways to go about getting one – each one with a different price tag. Before you run out and

What Is a “Value-Added Tax,” Anyway?

Probably due to the fact that my monthly health insurance premiums rose dramatically this year, and also because I am about to take a state-mandated 5% pay cut, my ears really per

Extended Car Warranties: 3 Things to Know

Extended car warranties can keep you from wrecking the family budget. But you need to shop them as carefully as you do your car. Here are three things to look for.

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder

Today we found articles on easy ways to prevent seasonal affective disorder, how to save big on things you’re already buying, and things you can carve that aren’t pumpkins.

Money Related Traditions for Celebrating Chinese New Year

The Chinese Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is celebrated annually by billions of people around the world. In 2010, New Year's Day falls on February 14th. Here are some of the

Science Proves It: You NEED to Take a Vacation

If the boss balks at your plan to take two weeks off, show him this. Brain science says you'll return more energized and productive than ever!

The Underground Guide to International Volunteering (Review)

International volunteering is a genre of travel that is mired in misnomers. Most internet searches will reveal opportunities that cost hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars per we