Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, By the Month

Not sure which fruits and vegetables are 'in season'? Here's a handy list to help you out!

8 Expert Ways to Save Time and Money at Costco

Stretching a dollar at Costco is simpler than you think. Use these insider tricks on your next shopping trip!

12 Tasty Ways to Cook With Wine

What to do with those couple extra pours in the bottle? Add a boozy twist to your next dish with these killer ways to use wine in the kitchen.

11 Things You Can't Hide When Selling Your Home

Before you sell your home, make sure you know what you have to tell the new owners.

14 Ways to Make Your Yard Look Awesome for Under $100

Yardwork is a pain, and can hurt you in the wallet, too. Try some of these easy ways to spruce up your yard without spending a lot of money.

Where Are They Now? The Forgotten Dollar Bills (and Coins)

You may have money on your mind, but these notes and coins are all but forgotten. They are still legal tender, though!

25 Things to Throw Out Today

Do you have any of these items lurking in your home that should be thrown (or given) away? Here's a list of 25 things to get rid of right now.

18 Easy and Delicious Ways to Enjoy Apples

It's apple season! Bring home a couple bushels and start snacking your way through these sweet and savory and easy-to-make apple treats.

The Real World Salaries of 8 Childhood Dream Jobs

Ever wonder how much money your childhood dream job really makes? Wonder no more.

6 Cheap Ways to Get Rid of Household Pests

Ewww, bugs! Send your unwelcome household guests packing with some simple, cheap, and eco-friendly pest solutions.

McCain or Obama? Who’ll be better for your wallet?

I want to keep this factual. This is not an article on who should be the next President, or as these campaigns usually go, who shouldn’t be President. This is a simple presentation

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Valentine's Day?

Tell us how you save money on Valentine's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

17 DIY Projects to Make Your Home Look Amazing (and 3 You Shouldn't Try)

Stop staring at those ugly cabinets and do something! These easy DIY projects can totally transform your home.

3 Ways Millennials Can Avoid Financial Fraud

Elders aren't the only targets of financial fraud. Even young folks need to know how to protect themselves.

Europe has the Euro. Are you ready for The Amero?

Hold onto your hats. (Or should that be dollars?) The Amero is coming. I’ve heard a lot of talk over the last few years about a new currency called the Amero that will replace dollars and pesos. [more]

Top 5 Ways Thieves Use Your Stolen Credit Card

Your credit card is gone. By the time you report the loss, it's likely one of the following crimes has already happened.

The Guide to Staying at Hostels for People Over 30

Hostels aren't just for 20-somethings. No, really, even adults can slash the cost of lodging by staying at hostels instead of hotels.

6 Ways to Avoid Sneaky Online Price Changes

Don't let "dynamic pricing" steal your deal. Keep an eye out for sneaky ways online retailers (legally!) overcharge their customers.

6 Cheap Ways to Ensure Your Cyber Security

Don't let lax privacy settings leave you vulnerable. Stay on top of cyber security with these cheap (or even free) precautions.

How to Protect Your Finances in Case of a Recession

When the next recession hits, you want to be prepared. Is your money ready?