Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Money-Saving Tricks I Learned Planning an Elopement

I always thought that eloping meant flying to Hawaii to get married on the beach with a hired witness. I was wrong, and now I'm saving tons of money.

Best Money Tips: Do's and Don'ts of Flea Market Flipping

Today we found articles on the dos and don’ts of flea market flipping, easy ways to go meat free, and how to plan an eco-friendly vacation.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 10/9 at 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Buy vs. Rent! Join our conversation with SmartAsset for chance to win $300 in Amazon gift cards! Use #SmartAsset and #WBChat to participate!

6 Signs That You're Sleep Deprived

Maekin moar meestakes at werk then yousyewl? Yep, that's a sign you aren't getting enough sleep.

10 Places to Find Inexpensive Accessories

From getting the best buys on baubles, bangles, and bags to running awesome accessory swaps, discover where to find fashionable, frugal accessories.

The 5 Best Pet Shampoos

Keeping your pets clean isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these pet shampoos and their fur will stay shiny and tidy.

10 Things You Should NOT Do to Your Yard This Fall

With the holidays approaching the last thing on your mind is next year's lawn. Prep your yard now to save time and money on landscaping next spring.

7 Critical Money Mistakes People Make in Their 40s

As you enter your 40s, the financial stakes increase. Don't make these dangerous money missteps.

Your One-Month Guide to Spring Cleaning

Overwhelmed by dirt and clutter? Break up your spring cleaning to make it less intimidating, and clean your whole house by tackling just three tasks a week.

6 Ways to Beat Sinus Pain at Work

The season for sinus pain is approaching. Sinusitis strikes everywhere, including at the office. Here are six tips for fighting sinusitis on the clock and saving those sick days.

7 Occasions When You Should Definitely Hire a Financial Advisor

It's great to be able to DIY your money, but some jobs require the skills of a pro. Be the smart about when to seek professional financial advice.

How to Build Equity in Your Home

Truly owning your home takes time and money. If you want a bigger piece of the homeownership pie, here's how to build equity.

The 5 Best Eye Masks

When you need to catch some z's but lights are keeping you up, pop on an eye mask and shut out the world.

The 5 Best Cheese Graters

If you want perfectly shredded or grated cheese, you're going to need a proper grater. These cheese graters will make your cheddar so much better.

Homemade and Store Bought Mouse Trap Designs That Work

If you have an unwelcome visitor in your home, you probably already have everything you need to make humane, or deadly, mouse traps.

5 Things Our Realtor Told Us That Weren't True

Our realtor told us several things that turned out to be untrue. Learn from these situations before taking their word for it.

How to Protect Your Job When You're in a Workplace Relationship

A love affair at work is nothing unusual these days. But, if you don't take the proper precautions, it could mean the end of your job.

How and Why a Business Plan Can Make a Difference

We have all heard that the business plan is the foundation for every business, and we may try to do one by going through the motions. But until we truly embrace the business pla

Best Money Tips: Money Reasons to Get Married

Today we found some awesome articles on money reasons to get married, stock trading rules, and ways to be more productive at work.

11 Reasons Why You Must Use Bill Reminders

Whether you're tired of paying late fees or just tired of bill pay day, an automated bill reminder helps you manage your budget and your time.