Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: How to Take a Better Selfie

Today we found some great tips for a better selfie, how to create a minimalist wardrobe, and cheap ways to avoid fall illnesses.

Best Money Tips: Meal Planning Tips for Busy Couples

Today we found articles on meal planning tips for busy couples, summer destinations that won’t break the bank, and how to save money on things you can’t live without.

Best Money Tips: Foods You Shouldn't Waste Money On

Today we found some great articles on food you shouldn't waste money on, the best ways to make extra money, and easy ways to save for retirement.

What You Pay in Time

You probably think about costs in terms of currency. Experiment with this alternative way of thinking that could change how you work and spend.

Best Money Tips: How to Make Money Flipping Houses

Today we found articles on steps to take if you want to make money flipping houses, expert tips for mobile banking security, and how to create a stunning summer style.

Original Ways to Use Original Dawn

I love to use household products in various unique ways, so I was thrilled to learn about some new-to-me hacks for the

8 Things to Carry That Could Help Someone in an Emergency

Just keeping a couple items in your purse or pocket could make you a superhero to someone in an emergency.

Playing Around: Frugality as a Game

Most people don't find frugality fun. Describe a thing as frugal and people will tune out. Describe a person as frugal and he immediately seems uninteresting. However, this

Save on Books, Diapers, and Much More With an Amazon Membership Program

Whether you're a student, a mom, or just a frequent Amazon shopper, discover how their membership programs might be able to save you serious cash.

5 Breathtaking Multiday Treks to Do in National Parks This Summer

Backpacking is a great way to discover the scenery and drama that can be found within our nation's parks. And these multiday treks are worth the effort.

Inflation is worse than you think

I don't just mean that the rate of inflation is higher than the government's reported rate--that's evident to anyone who's paying attention. But there are other co

Best Money Tips: Throw a Holiday Party for Less

Today we found some awesome articles on throwing a holiday party for less, gifts for women in their 30s, and shopping secrets for Costco, BJ's, and Sam's Club.

I Shouldn't Have to Pay for This! A Consumer's Guide to your Rights

If you buy something that stops working immediately and the seller refuses to refund your money, do you still have to pay for it?

Best Money Tips: Smart, Simple Ways to Cut Your Electricity Bill

Today we found simple and smart ways to lower your electricity bill, the best exercise for weight control, and foods that will boost your energy.

Get your piece of the Diamond Class Action pie.

Hands up if you bought diamond jewelry between 1994 and 2006. Well, if you did you can claim some of the $295 million that has been set aside in the DeBeers class action lawsuit.

Best Money Tips: Sources of Free Entertainment

Today we found some fantastic articles on sources of free entertainment, the best items to buy now, and retirement planning in your 20s.

10 Things You Can Totally Regift — And 7 Things You Shouldn't

What to do with those unused candles, frying pans, or ugly sweaters? Regift them, of course!

December Deals That Are Better Than Black Friday

December is packed with major sales even after Black Friday and Cyber Monday have ended. Here are the shopping dates you need to know.

Keeping Your Head (when all around you are losing theirs)

I'm going to be honest with you--the last three weeks have been the most stressful I've ever experienced at work. Between moving into a new po

10 Gifts Everybody Gets, But Nobody Wants

Scented candles, tacky pajamas...we've all gotten at least a few of these duddy holiday gifts.