Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

So You Wanna Be a Travel Writer?

I learned the realities of travel writing from hard-earned experience, but these tips from Tim Leffel's book could help you get ahead of the curve.

10 Ways You're Wasting Time Without Realizing It

Where has the day gone? Maybe you've wasted it on one or more of these little time sinks.

Brian Williams' $5 Million Fib: 4 Little Lies that Can Cost You Your Job

The NBC anchor's lie cost him his job, but before you judge too harshly, ask yourself; Are YOU guilty of any of these fibs that might cost you yours?

Best Money Tips: Tactics to Get Free Food

Today we found some great articles on tactics to get free food, how to take an inexpensive road trip, and tips for budgeting when you're broke.

6 Breathtaking Fall Foliage Drives to Take This Year

Looking to gaze upon the bright, rich colors of autumn? Hit the road and take in the fall foliage on these drives.

Student Loans: The Third Way to Ruin Your Finances

"Is college worth it?" has become a difficult question to answer — and answering wrong could saddle you with years of debt. Here are your options.

Possible protections for credit card holders

The Federal Reserve has proposed some new rules to protect people from a list of abusive lending practices. The changes aren't in effect yet, and may not actually go into effect.

A Beginner’s Guide to Investing in Frontier Markets

Some investors willing to bet high risk on aggressive returns are turning to frontier markets. Should you follow them?

13 Crucial Social Security Terms Everyone Needs to Know

Most Americans depend on Social Security in retirement. That's why it's critical to know these 13 Social Security terms.

Do This One Thing Every Day to Defeat Negativity

If your glass is always half empty, this simple daily practice can help you see it half full — and help you feel happier.

$20 in Los Angeles: The 16 Best Ways to Spend It

The City of Angels offers lots of cheap thrills, from cinema to tacos. Find out how far $20 will take you in Los Angeles.

8 Easy Beauty Tricks to Hide Your Flaws (Not That You Have Any!)

Nobody's face is perfect. Learn how to bring out the most beautiful version of you with some simple beauty tips.

6 Back to School Essentials for High Schoolers

We’ve got an eye for the newest and best tech on the market for teenagers, and our recent guide at My Life Scoop features six amazing products and services for their class

8 Ways a Side Hustle Can Advance Your Career

Your side hustle is more than just a means for spare cash. It can also be a major boost to your main career.

8 Simple Ways to De-Stink Your Stuff

Phew! What's that smell? Whatever it is, eliminate it with one of these simple de-stinkers made with stuff you probably already have on hand.

Are You Paying These 6 Unfair Banking Fees?

Fees here, fees there, banking fees everywhere. Cut the expense of banking and other financial services by shopping smart and choosing fee-free.

6 Ways to Win Free Stuff from Blog Giveaways

Want a piece of the prize pie? Check out these tips for scoring sweet giveaway prizes via blogs.

Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Tips for Backyard Grill Masters

Today we found articles on money-saving tips for backyard grill masters, over 50 hacks that will save you money on Amazon, and tips for planning an affordable honeymoon.

How Water Can Save You $977 a Year

According to recent data, American eat out roughly 3 times every week. And water could play a big part in making the whole thing less expensive, and healthier.

4 Big Tech Stocks Offering Big Returns

There's more to tech investing than social media stocks. Find some room for these big tech stocks in your portfolio and 2015 could be a big year.