Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 12 Best Frozen Food Values

Don't turn up your nose to frozen fruits and vegetables and other foods — they're delicious and cheap. Stock up on these dozen frugal frozen eats.

3 Mistakes That Make a Bad Credit Situation Worse

A credit score of 600 or lower is officially "bad." Don't makes things worse by committing any of these common mistakes.

Budgeting for People Who Hate Planning

Budgeting isn't that exciting — and it can be downright annoying if you hate planning. Here are some ways to make it bearable...and even fun.

How to Do Less — and Why You Should

If getting things done is so important, why does doing nothing feel so good? Discover how to do less — and become happier and more productive.

The best things in life are (more or less) free

Now, at the risk of sounding like a great big softy, I have to share a moment that I experienced recently that reminded me of the real value of money and the place I want it to have in my life. Over the weekend, I was driving around Queen Anne hill [more]

Quick travel ideas

So, I'm finishing up at my old job this week and things are crazy. Thus, I offer you some of the best travel tips that just might save you some money.

What If Everyone Suddenly Became Frugal?

What if a magical spaceship from the planet Cheapos came to earth and brainwashed everyone so that every single American stopped buying useless junk and started to live way below t

Best Money Tips: Free Ways to Relax

Today we found some great articles on totally free ways to relax, creating lasting financial resolutions, and the keys to winning with money.

The 5 Best Deals in Every Thrift Store

Not all thrift stores are created equal — but if you look for these five things, you'll almost always find a good deal.

Check Out Wise Bread's New Podcast & Win $100

Check out our new podcast for a chance to win $100 and free copies of "Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing."

"Stapler. Stapler." - FREE $20 Swingline Stapler

If you're a fan of Office Space (shame on you if you're not) you will know of Milton's obsession with his Swingline stapler. Well, in exchange for about 2 minutes of yo

Best Money Tips: Savings Strategies That Work

Today we found some fantastic articles on savings strategies that work, making a killing by picking garage sales, and budgeting for home maintenance.

Ask the Readers: Should College Students Have a Credit Card?

Tell us if you think college students should have a credit card and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Cricket's $5,600 Giveaway: Plus $1,000 Just for Our Readers

Fun daily challenges with many chances to win thousands of dollars in prizes!

Eco-Capitalism - How to make money from garbage

Most of us probably have sold a few bottles and cans and got a couple dollars, but could you believe that some people have made millions or even billions of dollars from trash?

Why You Should Consider an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage

Despite a bad reputation, adjustable-rate mortgages are making a comeback. Learn why an ARM might be the right choice for you.

Make Your Own Self-tanning Lotion and 5 Other Fabulous DIY Tips from the Web

Surprisingly simple, and totally affordable, this roundup of quick and easy recipes, tips, and hacks are sure to inspire. Create your own self-tanning lotion, never waste rice aga

Is your credit score suffering without your knowledge?

Credit card companies are tricky little jerks during the best of times. But now, with a lousy economic forecast and limited access to funds that can be loaned to consumers, banks a

Don't Get Taken by the Latest Secure Credit Card Scam

A fake bank is offering phony secured credit cards to consumers with troubled credit histories, and reading the fine print may not be enough to protect you.

Worried About an Audit? Six IRS Red Flags

Is your tax return a magnet for an IRS audit? Find out the 6 things that draw the attention of the IRS and what you can do to minimize your chances of getting audited.