Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Much Does it Cost Every Time you Get Into Your Car?

I was horrified when I discovered exactly how much it costs me to drive into town for groceries. Do you know exactly how much it costs you?

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Regretted a Big Purchase?

Tell us if you've ever regretted a big purchase and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Want a Company to Hear You? Talk to Their “People.”

Sure, you could call a company's customer service line in times of trouble. I've done it in the past with excellent results. I've also run into the occasional “I don't care.” Th

A Recipe for Youth Financial Literacy

Kids can begin to learn money management skills through a basic program that can be started in or just before Kindergarten.

What Is in a Barrel of Oil?

I had no idea just how much gasoline was contained in a barrel. Much to my surprise, my guess of 50 gallons of gasoline was way, way off.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Monday 10/21

Last minute Halloween Shopping? We've got 5 great deals for you!

Best Money Tips: Important Financial Tasks to Do Each Year

Today we found some fantastic articles on important financial tasks to do each year, things you should do with your money in your 20s, and the newlywed's guide to budgeting.

Best Money Tips: Earn Extra Cash for the Holidays

Today we found some stellar articles on earning extra cash for the holidays, the best things to buy in November, and how families can save in November.

Don't Miss Out on This Easy Way to Pay for Child Care

Child care is expensive. Ease the burden by making use of one of your employer's tax-advantaged perks.

Carnival of Personal Finance #205: Pay it Forward Edition

Wikipedia tells us that the expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead. More specifically,

The 5 Best Pet Flea Medications

Keeping your pets flea-free during the summer isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these pet flea medications and those pesky fleas will remain at bay.

How to Get Along With Someone You Don't Get Along With

When you don't like someone, it can be difficult to spend time around that person — let alone work together. Follow these suggestions to make things easier.

10 Tips to Up Your Chances of Getting an Email Response

It's frustrating when you send someone an email and never get a response. Follow these steps to improve your chances.

My best posts that got no attention

A few times I've written a post that I thought was good, but that seemed to vanish into the blogosphere without a trace. On my two-year anniversary of writing for Wise Bread, I

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/4, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: Personal Finance Blogs! Join our conversation with The Plutus Awards for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #Plutus16 to participate!

The 5 Best Women’s Running Shoes

Keeping a steady pace while running isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these running shoes and your stride will always be strong.

Walking the Tight Rope of Financial Recovery: The Mental Game

Though some economists are tentative and a few disagree outright, the majority of people in the know believe that the worldwide recession has hit rock bottom and we are now, slowly

Dreaming of a Frugal Christmas: 6 Things You Can Make That People on Your List Will Use and Want

You know sometime in November you'll be rushing around trying to think of cheap Xmas gifts to buy or make. Why the rush? Start now with some simple fun things to make that everyone How to Save on Toilet Paper and Diapers Without Working Hard

Hard-core frugalistas like me usually shun online convenience services. But has something for the frugal and the convenience-lover -- especially today, when they are sell

Living Cheaply for the Long Term

Frugality sites are full of advice for cutting your expenses right away. Living cheaply for the long term is different. Call it "strategic frugality."