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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Write for money online series Part 3 -

So far, I have covered two pay for content sites called Bukisa and Associated Content in part one and two of this series. Both of these sites allows a wide range of content, but t

How to Live in a Big City on a Small-Town Budget

From delicious restaurants to fun events, you can enjoy the exciting perks of living in a big city while staying frugal.

Two More Crafty Ways to Steal From You - GPS Units and Cell Phones.

I got another one of those emails recently, from my mother-in-law this time. As usual, I began reading with skepticism and was ready to take it all with another monstrous grain of

An Open Letter to America's Credit Card Companies

One consumer suggests five ways credit card companies can improve our love-hate relationship with those little pieces of plastic.

8 Ways Daylight Saving Time Can Save You Money

Are you ready to spring forward with more money saved? Find out how daylight saving time can save you cash while it saves you light.

Your 31 Hidden Networks That Can Help You Land Jobs

Discover your hidden network of supporters who are eager to help you find a job or upgrade your career.

The Ultimate Guide to Flying During the Holidays

Holiday travel adventures are fast approaching. Take some of the frustration out of the trip with some clever advice on planning, packing, and persevering.

3 Reasons You Are More Than Your Job

When work gets you down, always remember that work isn't everything.

10 Cool Tool Gifts for Fixer Uppers

For the DIYer nothing brings holiday cheer as well as the right tool for the job. Find it in this collection of gifts that get 'er done.

10 Great Reasons to Drink Wine

Wine's great taste is reason enough to drink a glass or two. But if you need more to justify that drink, consider these 10 health benefits.

Buying a Rental Car? Here's What You Need to Know

From mileage and maintenance, to costs and red flags, here's everything you need to know about buying a former rental car.

15 Unexpected Uses for Peanut Butter

You love it on sandwiches. After you get to know it better, you'll also love peanut butter in your hair, on your windshield, and in your ice cream cones.

7 Personal Finance Lessons From Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen's music speaks to the trials and tribulations of common folk — often including some hard lessons about money.

8 Ways Everybody Saves During Back-to-School

Back-to-school deals aren't just for students! These seasonal sales can mean big savings for you, too.

The Many Reasons to Make Do with Less

Why would someone choose to have less than they could? Lots of reasons. There are as many ways to live large as there are people who refuse to think small. Over the time I've be

Don't Ignore These 4 Things Before Refinancing Your Student Loans

If you're overwhelmed with student loan debt, refinancing might be tempting. Before you make that call, make sure you understand the fine print.

26 Green Websites that Save You Money

There are countless green websites on the internet today, ranging from tips about green parenting to business ideas for eco entrepreneurship. But, what if you're looking for ways t

5 Best Amazon Deals for Tuesday 01/04

Today's deals include 70% off 10K White Gold Diamond Heart Pendant Necklace, 70% off date night dresses, Women's Boots Under $50, and more!

The 5 Best Digital Food Scales

When trying to eat healthy, the right tools make it easy. Just use any of these digital food scales and your goal weight will be within your reach.

3 Alternative "Investments" for Long Term Enjoyment and Appreciation

Stocks, bonds, and real estate are investments we are all fairly familiar with. In the recent economic turmoil, many people are looking for alternative investments to maintain the