Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Here's Why Credit Scores and Reports Are Not the Same

Do you know the difference between a credit score and a credit history? You need to — here's how to break it down.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Goals for 2020?

Tell us about about your goals for 2020 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Times Personal Loans May Be Better Than Credit Cards

Sometimes getting a personal loan is a better choice than using your credit cards.

17 Part-Time Jobs to Do While Your Kids Are at School

While the kids are away, SAHMs and SAHDs can earn some extra pay!

5 Cars That Thieves Don't Touch (and 5 Simple Anti-Theft Tricks)

Do you drive one of the least-stolen cars in America? Read this to find out.

25 Secrets From the World's Most Frugal Frequent Travelers

From booking to baggage, these frequent travelers have been there and done that. Here are their best tips for taking the hassle and hidden expenses out of travel.

What You Need vs. What You Want and How to Tell the Difference

Learn to distinguish between what you need, what you need in certain conditions, and what you want.

Spice Up the Conversation by Skipping "What Do You Do?"

The next time you meet someone new, don't do the usual and ask, "So, what do you do?" Instead, ask, "What excites you?"

15 Things You Should Buy at Costco

You know there are great deals to be had at Costco, but you really should be buying these 15 things at Costco and not anywhere else.

How to Get a High Rating and Make More Money as an Uber Driver

If you're wondering how you can get a higher rating and earn more with Uber, here are some easy tips.

Ask the Readers: What New Skill Would You Like to Learn?

Tell us about a new skill you would like to learn and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Money Conversations You Must Have With Your Family

Skipping these key conversations will put your family's financial future at risk. Learn how to educate and protect your family today.

Recession Journal VI: It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Any Questions?

The recession is technically over, officially over, numerically over. How do you feel now and what are you gonna do about it?

25 Tasty Ways to Use Chicken Stock

From soups to sauces, using frugal chicken stock is a great way to pump up the flavor in a variety of dishes. Check out these delicious and surprising recipes.

7 Things Your Credit Report Does NOT Include

Your credit reports may be handy snapshots of your financial health, but they don't show the whole picture. Find out what's missing.

Here Are the Right Ways (And the Wrong Ways) to Use a Personal Loan

Before you apply for a personal loan, make sure you plan to use it the right way.

Home Equity Loan or HELOC: Which Is Right for You?

You have equity in your home, and you need to borrow money. Should you turn to a HELOC or a home equity loan?

Recoup More of Your Investment: 8 Home Improvements That Add the Most Value

If you're planning a remodel, be sure to consider return on investment when you sell. These eight improvements return the most.

40 Rice Cake Topping Ideas

Rice cakes are low cost, low calorie, and largely low flavor. Dress them up with responsible-sized helpings of these delicious toppings.

6 Ways to Improve Your Curb Appeal for Next to Nothing

A few cheap, easy fixes will snaz up your home's curb appeal without making an ugly mess of your bank account.