Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Working on the Road: A Book Review for Professional Nomads

Wise Bread's Nora Dunn shares advice about working while traveling in her new book, "Working on the Road." Find out if the lifestyle is for you, too.

How To Become A Better Boss In 10 Minutes

Your employees are looking for leadership. Teach them something useful to their careers and you'll be demonstrating it.

What Easter Island Can Teach Us About Money

What do the iconic stone statues and barren landscape of Easter Island have to do with modern financial planning? As it turns out, quite a lot.

The 5 Best Smart Locks

Smart locks offer convenient and safer options for keeping your home secure. Just use any of these smart locks and you won't need to worry about losing your keys ever again.

10 Small Business Money Myths to Reconsider

Sometimes it's smart business to go with tried and true solutions to common financial questions. But what if those old solutions don't provide the right answers?

Best Money Tips: How to Retire on the Cheap

Today we found some awesome articles on how to retire on the cheap, ideas to increase your income, and dangers of leasing a car.

5 Facts Millennials Should Know About Retirement Planning

Retirement saving has never been easy, but for today's young adults, it seems impossible. Here's how to understand today's special saving challenges.

Budgeting Beauty - An Expert Tells All

Beauty blogger Courtney Sauve gives us the dish on the best ways to budget your beauty regimen — including must-buys and rip-offs!

Best Money Tips: Saving on Gas

Today we found some awesome articles on saving on gas, figuring out extreme couponing, and why you should love credit cards.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Mistakes in Salary Negotiations

Today we found some great articles on mistakes to avoid in salary negotiations, how to turn free work into a paying gig, and things you should never flush down the toilet.

15 Winter Must-Haves to Keep in Your Car

Winter driving takes special skill — and special gear. Before hit the road this winter, make sure your car is properly kitted.

5 Money Mistakes to Stop Making by 50

By your 50s, you should have a solid grasp on personal finance — and if not, it might be due to these all-too-common mistakes.

Our Lovely Lady Links

It's time once again for our linky love-fest. Jessica's post about security briefs got a lot of people thinking about where to stash their cash. Will caught the eye of It's Electric with his post about your chances of getting audited by the IRS. [more]

Best Money Tips: 40+ Frugality Tips From the 1950s

Today we found articles on frugality tips from the 1950s, cruise tips from a cruise director, and how to stay healthy when your kids are sick.

Asiana Visa Signature Credit Card Review

The Asiana credit card offers rewards for everyday purchases like gas and groceries, allowing you to earn free travel quicker.

Best Money Tips: 10 Things You Pay Too Much For

Today we found some great articles on things you probably pay too much for, ways to reuse plastic bottles, and easy tips for cutting down on daily expenses.

6 Things to Consider Before Making a Big Purchase for Rewards Points

Paying for a home renovation with a rewards card could earn you a free vacation -- or lots of cash back. Be sure you understand the pitfalls before you dust off your card.

Simple Living Through Capital

There are a lot of ways to live simply. My personal favorite is living simply through capital — and it's easier to do than you might expect.

Best Money Tips: 4 Phone Calls That Could Save You Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on phone calls that could save you money, things you should do this month, and getting rid of your overstuffed wallet.

Homemade Deodorant: Is It Worth It?

Sure, ready-made deodorant is easy to purchase and use. But there are some great reasons to make your own (inexpensive!) deodorant.