Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Fiduciary Rule Is Under Review — How Will This Affect Your Investments?

The Trump administration is holding the fiduciary rule in limbo. How could this affect you and your retirement?

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Gifts?

Tell us how you save money on holiday gifts and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What Can Retailers Do With Their Unwanted Merchandise?

A recent New York Times article reported that retailers including H&M and Walmart have been destroying perfectly good clothes that were not sold and throwing them in the trash. Th

8 Amazing Board Games You Can DIY

If you've grown tired of the same old board games, why not make your very own? Here's how to make eight great ones.

Ask the Readers $200 Giveaway: What is Your Top Question About Personal Finance?

Tell us your top question about personal finance and we'll enter you in a drawing to win $200 in Amazon Gift Cards!

Ask The Readers: Do You Pay For Cable TV?

Tell us if you pay for cable TV and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

12 Things You Should Do in the First Six Months of a New Job

Got a new job? Great! Here's your game plan for the next six months.

25 Great Movies About Money

Get ready to update your Netflix queue. From documentaries to comedies and more, here is the ultimate list of movies about money.

Here's Why Credit Scores and Reports Are Not the Same

Do you know the difference between a credit score and a credit history? You need to — here's how to break it down.

Ask the Readers: What Makes You a Cheapskate?

We want to know what qualifies you as a "cheapskate". Are you horrifying in your money-saving ways? Or do you pinch your pennies with finesse and class? Let us know wh

Is Target Really Just as Bad As Wal-Mart?

There is plenty not to like about the practices of both the nation's leading big-box retailers. But a few subtle differences -- and one h-u-g-e one -- make one of them the o

2-Minute Guide: How to Use Balance Transfers to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Balance transfers can help you out of debt in a hurry. Here's how to use them to clear that credit card debt.

5 Times Personal Loans May Be Better Than Credit Cards

Sometimes getting a personal loan is a better choice than using your credit cards.

10 Surprising Benefits Of: A 10 Minute Walk

Got 15 minutes to spare? Spend five minutes reading this, and then take a walk to clear your mind and get these nine other health benefits.

The Best and Worst Nuts, by Nutrition and Price

Nuts are healthy, make easy snacks, and pack a lot of protein. But not all nuts are created equal. Discover the best nuts in terms of cost and health benefits.

7 Parenting Mistakes Everyone Makes But No One Talks About

Even great parents make mistakes. Rest assured you aren't alone in these seven common mom and dad mess-ups.

4 Cheap and Easy Homemade Mosquito Repellents

When summer hits, the mosquitoes start swarming. Here are several easy, cheap, and chemical-free recipes for making homemade mosquito repellent.

5-Minute Finance: Create Financial Goals

Deciding on a goal is a critical first step in every endeavor. Here's how to set financial goals that will lead to a brighter future.

The Guide to Staying at Hostels for People Over 30

Hostels aren't just for 20-somethings. No, really, even adults can slash the cost of lodging by staying at hostels instead of hotels.

8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Inspector

Before you hire a home inspector, make sure you get answers to these questions.