Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Simple Strategies for Using Your Leftover Food

What's that lurking in the back of your fridge? If you follow these suggestions for using leftovers, it might just be something delicious.

Are You Underpaid? How to Figure Out What Salary You Deserve

How much are you worth? Discover the salary you should really be earning.

6 Reasons It's Never Too Late for a Career Change

Career stuck in a rut? Climb out!

5 Ways to Save Money in the New Year

Make 2011 your best financial year yet with these tips to jump-start your savings.

4 Retirement "Rules of Thumb" That Actually Work

Take some guesswork out of retirement planning with these four financial rules of thumb. They really do work!

Save Money with a Dependent Care Tax Credit and FSA

If you pay for day care or other services, you may be able to save thousands with an FSA, the Child and Dependent Care Credit, or both.

10 Money Moves You Need to Make Before the End of the Year

Holiday season is also year end financial season. Take a break from holiday craziness and spend some you time prepping your money for 2015.

How to Survive a Tax Audit

If you've been notified of an audit, don't panic. Follow these steps to help get through it with minimal stress.

Best Money Tips: Save Money When Staying at a Hotel

Today we found some great articles on ways to save money when staying at a hotel, shopping rules of thumb, and ways to maximize Craigslist revenue.

Buying a House? Here's Where to Keep Your Down Payment

When you're saving for a house in the near future, it's the return of the money, not the return on the money, that matters most.

8 Personal Finance Lessons Women Learn in Their 20s

The financial lessons we learn in our 20s prepare us for the decades to follow. Here's what to learn at the intersection of youth, love, and money.

4 Credit Report Mistakes That Could Be Costing You Big

You know you should be reviewing your credit report annually. When you do, these are the credit dangers to look for.

How to Keep a Personal Problem From Hurting Your Career

Everyone goes through a rough spot once in awhile. The key is making sure you don't bring your personal crisis into the office.

How to Start Saving for Retirement at 40+

It's never too late to start saving. If you skirted retirement savings in your younger years, you can still catch up — here's how.

Affordable Flowers for Valentine's Day (or Any Day)

Flowers are a lovely, indulgent gift for a loved one, friends, or even yourself — but they can be expensive. Learn how to save on flowers with a little DIY.

Best Money Tips: How to Retire on the Cheap

Today we found some awesome articles on how to retire on the cheap, ideas to increase your income, and dangers of leasing a car.

5 Ways Your Money Is Being a Jerk (And How to Fight Back)

Money can be a real jerk. Learn how to fight back when your finances are pushing you around.

Best Money Tips: Habits of Exceptionally Healthy People

Today we found some great articles on habits of exceptionally healthy people, how to select the best credit card, and cheap ways to keep kids busy this winter.

5 Things to Do Before Your First Day at a New Job

You got the job, so why're you so nervous? Quell those first-day-of-work jitters by looking sharp and being prepared for what comes next.

8 Creative Ways to Save Money on Food

When life hands you a smaller budget, take your frugality to another dimension. Keep your household food costs in check by going unconventional.