Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Are You Addicted to the Internet?

Some experts think that surfing the web can you make you more productive at work. Then again, so might amphetamines, which begs the question, at what point does it get to be too mu

How I Use Skype to Keep in Touch With Friends and Family

I talk to friends and family around the world for pennies. Find out how you can do the same!

Are YOU on This List of Cushiest Retirement Jobs?

If you think the retirement benefits at your job leave more to be desired, consider one of these alternatives!

7 Surprising Cooking Hacks That Save Time

Who wants to spend all day or evening in the kitchen? Cook faster and smarter with these seven clever tricks.

8 Ways to Take a Break at Work (and Still Look Busy)

Taking breaks at work makes us happier and more productive — but justifying those breaks can be hard. Here are eight ways to make 'em happen.

7 Signs Your Takeout Habit Has Gone Too Far

If your go-to dinner plan involves opening your GrubHub app, your takeout habit has probably gone too far.

How to Feed a Large Family on a Small Budget

Feeding a big family on a budget is a big challenge! These strategies can help save money, time, and maybe a little sanity, too.

The 5 Best UPS Backup Batteries

Power surges and outages can zap your sensitive electronics. Keep your gear from getting fried with one of these best five UPS backup batteries.

Why I Like My Flip Phone: The 5 Smartphone Effects

A smartphone might be a smart financial decision...for some people. One writer shares why he's sticking with his humble flip phone.

Ask the Readers: What is Your Top Financial Priority Right Now?

Tell us about your financial priorities and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

College Financial Aid Options

By understanding the different types of financial aid available to college students, parents and students can determine the best types of aid for their situation.

How to Start a Book Club

Participating in a book club is a fun and inexpensive way to socialize, meet new people, develop friendships and enjoy your love of reading and books with others. If there aren't a

Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk

There’s one fact that is undeniable in America; we just don’t walk enough. A dependence on automobiles, elevators and escalators, coupled with a growing lack of interest in exercis

13 Things You Must Inspect Before Signing a Rental Agreement

Before you sign a lease, inspect the property carefully using this checklist. If you don't, you could be on the hook for big expenses when you move out.

Thirteen Minutes to a Lower Cable Bill

As with many overpriced services, getting a better deal on pay-TV isn't hard. Just call armed with better competitive offers and threaten to leave. I did it on-camera in this story

4 Weird Brain Hacks That Make You a Better Person With Almost No Effort

Self improvement is hard, right? Wrong! Become the person you want to be with some simple tricks that leverage some quirks of your brain.

Best Money Tips: Save Money By Winterizing Your Life

Today we found some awesome articles on how to save money by winterizing your life, how to feed your family on $80 a week, and 200+ mind-blowing upcycling ideas.

11 Ways to Earn Extra Cash From Thrift Stores

A single parent tight for cash shopped thrift stores to save — until one day he figured out he could earn money thrifting, too. Learn his secrets.

6 Ways to Drive a Hybrid or Electric Car on the Cheap

Ready to ditch your gas-guzzling days? Here's how to find a hybrid or electric car for super cheap.

Here's How Billionaires Are Preparing for the End of the World

If you're rich enough, you can live out the end of the world in true luxury.