Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Manage Stress and Spending? (Your Chance to Win $10)

What do you think about stress and spending? Are they closely related? Do you see one causing the other? Or are you in a place where you can manage stress and/or spending indepen

The 5 Best Robotic Vacuums

A robotic vacuum can be a great way to keep your floors clean without any effort. Here are our picks for the five best!

Watch All The Documentary Movies You Can Handle, Free Online - And Yes, It's Legal.

So you love watching movies for free, and you also love getting instant access to them. Well, if those movies happen to be documentaries, there is a great free online resource for

Ask the Readers: How Do You Give? (Chance to win $20!)

Many people are making resolutions to give back to their communities and charitable organizations that have impacted their lives. Others are responding to the calls for aid in Hait

Surprise! There's a Gender Gap in Mortgages, Too

The gender wage gap may have the spotlight, but there seems to be bias in home loans, too. Find out how to fight it

5 Money Ratios to Live By

These five money ratios answer questions about spending on housing, saving, engagement rings, retirement, and investing.

Bottled or Tap: The Right Choice for Water May Surprise You

When it comes to drinking water, the choice is often expensive bottled or potentially dirty tap. Get informed so you can make the right choice for you.

Trading Options Is a Sound Investment (and It's Simpler Than You Think!)

If mutual funds and individual stocks are passe, take a look at options. They're a lot less complicated than you think.

Why This Isn't Your Grandparents' Economy

Why can't we save money like our parents and grandparents? Learn how modern economic realities make financial independence more challenging.

34 Ways to Come Up With the Rent Before the Month Ends

Tight on cash? There are plenty of ways to get that rent money before the 1st of the month.

10 Things You Don't Actually Need to Buy for Your New Baby (Plus 5 You Must)

It's tempting to fill up a baby registry with all sorts of newborn gear. Resist the urge and focus on stuff you'll really use.

How I Still Make Money with eBay

The glory days of eBay might be over, but there are still profits to be had. Learn the tricks to making money in the new eBay era.

How to Quit Your Job

Leaving your job is not as simple as yelling "I quit!" (even if that's what you want to do). Discover how to take the right steps to ensure your future success.

How to Save on School Supplies Without Going Crazy

You can get everything on your kid's school-supply list for cheap, and you don't even need to run all around town to find the best deals. Here's how.

How Your New Job Might Affect Your Mortgage Application

You just started a new job. Now, you want a new home. With the right strategy, you can still get a mortgage.

Why This Thing in Your Wallet Is Almost Useless Today

Travelers checks were once a staple for safe spending abroad. Today, they are mostly obsolete — here's why it's okay to leave home without them.

10 Times You Shouldn't Invest in Stocks

Investing in stocks is a great way to build wealth — but not always. Here's how to decide whether the stock market is right for you.

11 Essentials Every Business Traveler Needs to Pack

Make business travel a little less taxing with some smart additions to your carry-on.

10 Reasons You Should Be Grilling on Gas

The debate between gas and charcoal has raged for years. Here's why Team Charcoal lost.

Free Day of Doggie Camp

My friends at Itchmo, Ben and Emily Huh, recently reminded me that Petsmart offers a complimentary day of doggie day camp at participating locations. Need a day off from your fun-loving dogs? [more]