Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Affordable U.S. Destinations for a Weekend Getaway

Planning a long weekend getaway? These U.S. destinations are affordable and tons of fun.

A year without toilet paper - The Interview

You wouldn't necessarily know it from watching him on his appearance on The Colbert Report. He comes across as a soft-spoken, good-natured guy, for sure. [more]

Best Money Tips: Big Decisions You Must Get Right to Get Rich

Today we found articles on big money decisions you have to get right to get rich, practical ways to simplify meals, and environmentally friendly products that also save you money.

Separate Bank Accounts: 'Till Death (or Banking) Do We Part?

Many couples today boast separate bank accounts and successful relationships. But is it possible? Or are separate bank accounts a recipe for disaster?

6 Ways to Manage Powerful Emotions

Heat-of-the-moment emotional responses aren't usually the best. The next time you're tempted to lash out, try these tricks to stay calm and in control.

Don't Fall for These Common Obamacare Scams

Nothing brings out grifters like chaos and confusion. The opening of the Obamacare health insurance exchanges has given them a golden opportunity.

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in November

Skip the iPad 3 Mini, but do reach for a new HDTV, which are stupendously cheap this month.

The 5 Best Pencil Eyeliners

Finding the right pencil eyeliner isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these five pencil eyeliners and your eye makeup game will stay strong.

Cyber Monday Tips From Our Senior Editor

In this interview with FOX 5 in Washington DC, our Senior Editor tells you about the best Cyber Monday deals and ways to save even more.

4 Money Moves to Make the Moment You Win the Lotto

The lucky ducks who win the lotto — or any kind of windfall, really — also win a whole new set of headaches.

How to Make Your Commute Profitable

Every day, I use public transpiration to commute to my day job. The arrangement saves money, reduces my carbon footprint and actually helps me to earn extra money. Here’s how, I g

12 Ways to Finally Get That Promotion This Year

Don't just sit there at your desk being competent. Get out there and make management notice that you are the person they need to keep and promote.

Walt Disney Offers Refunds for Baby Einstein DVDs

A group of lawyers threatened a class action lawsuit last year against Disney for deceptive practices since their Baby Einstein videos are heavily marketed as educational but resea

What You Need to Start Flipping Items for Cash Online

You don't need a lot to start flipping stuff for cash — some of it you may already have!

6 Ways to Make Your Tiny Apartment Feel Like a Castle

Just because your place is tiny doesn't mean it has to feel tiny. Try these design tricks to make your small rooms seem grand.

5 Vital Things to Remember When Buying Health Insurance

Time to buy a new health insurance plan? Don't just pick anything. Consider these five important factors first.

Tesla, Six Flags and 9 Other Adventure Stocks Worth Investing In

Who says stock picks have to be a bore? These companies are a total thrill — and they happen to be solid investments, too.

How to Decide If Airport Lounge Access Is Worth Paying For

Airport lounges provide a quiet escape from the madness of airport terminals, but access comes at a cost.

Legendary rock band Radiohead charges "whatever you want" for latest album

It's making huges waves through the music industry, which is hardly surprising. Organizations like the RIAA have been trying, and failing I think, to crack down on illegal musi

Easy, Frugal Ways to Have People Over (Even If You Don't Cook and Clean)

Don't get intimidated by hosting dinner parties. Instead, discover great ways to gather people together that require minimal cooking and cleaning.