Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Financial Mistakes You Need to Stop Making by 30

By the big Three-Oh, you're no finance rookie. Leave these money mistakes in your 20s and kick bad spending habits to the curb. No excuses!

17 Part-Time Jobs to Do While Your Kids Are at School

While the kids are away, SAHMs and SAHDs can earn some extra pay!

18 Surprising Ways Your Identity Can Be Stolen

You work so hard to protect your identity, but there are still ways thieves can get your personal data. Here's how they do it.

The Only 15 Foods That Are Worth Buying Organic

Not everything you buy from the grocery store needs to be organic — but to avoid harmful pesticides and hormones, these 15 foods should be.

5 Savings Tricks You Haven't Tried Yet

If saving was easy, we'd all be saving more. Try one or more of these savings strategies and see if the habit doesn't finally stick.

10 Things I Just Won’t Do to Save Money

Turn down money-saving opportunities? Yup! One very frugal writer shares the questionable and straight-up dumb ways he won't save money.

ZipList Giving Away $600 to Lucky Wise Bread Readers!

To enter simply leave a comment telling us your favorite Thanksgiving budget dish or comfort food!

Why You Should Call Your Mortgage Lender Every Year

When was the last time you gave your mortgage lender a ring? If it's been a few years, you could be throwing money out the window.

Why Going to the Gym Is a Waste of Money, Time, and Resources

Working out at the gym is agonizing and expensive, but it's necessary for a healthy life — or is it? A recent Time magazine piece questions whether working out essential to weight

Investing in Web Security

What would happen if you lost the data on your business's computer system or if it was hacked? Small businesses need to recognize the cost of not properly addressing web securit

Best Money Tips: Fun and Frugal Ideas for Fall

Today we found some awesome articles on frugal ideas for fall, mistakes people make when buying a home, and the complete guide to getting out of debt.

Ask the Readers: Could You Survive Without a Cell Phone?

Tell us if you could live without a cell phone and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Guide to Staying at Hostels for People Over 30

Hostels aren't just for 20-somethings. No, really, even adults can slash the cost of lodging by staying at hostels instead of hotels.

Make These 9 Health Moves Now or You'll Regret It in 20 Years

What kind of shape will you be in 20 years from now? Do your future self a favor and start making some easy health moves now.

4 Steps to Finding Your Mortgage Lender

Buying a new home? Finding the right lender could save you big.

9 Ways to Reverse Lifestyle Creep

More money in your paycheck can mean more spending on stuff you don't need. Time to get things back under control.

Volunteer to Travel: 11 Opportunities for Free or Very Cheap Travel

Here are 11 options for free or very cheap travel through volunteering.

50 Great Things to Do With $50

One dollar may not buy you much anymore, but a crisp $50 bill still has value. From splurges to saving, try these savvy ideas for your half-hundred.

8 Technologies We Wish Were Never Invented

The future is now — and it's slightly more annoying, unhealthy, and destructive than we we ever dreamed of. Where's the "undo" button?

8 Amazing Board Games You Can DIY

If you've grown tired of the same old board games, why not make your very own? Here's how to make eight great ones.