Set Up a Safe Home Network


Networks used to be something that IT departments only spoke about in corporate office environments.  Today,  however, the average family not only has a need for a good home network, but they are running some form of one without professional advice. If you're curious as to how you can tweak your network to be more efficient, or you've put off getting one started out of hesitation, today is a great day to learn more! 

The following tips are taken from a recent guest post at My Life Scoop, and feature just a few of the five steps you should take to get the best home network experience for your family! 

Set Up Your Network Safely

It’s always a fun exercise to drive down a residential street with my smartphone set to wireless mode.I’m suddenly presented with numerous wireless networks to choose from – all originating from people’s homes (and some with very revealing network names).  The smart families will have their signal protected (meaning I can’t connect using their signal and conduct my online activities.)The others keep it open to everyone. 

In addition to making sure that your signal is yours (and yours alone), Edwin Colmanares from Cisco Systems, suggests you take it one step further. "To make it unique, people give it their own quirky name instead of the default name -- names like, 'My precious' or 'lovable giraffe'", he advises. To keep it even more private, he recommends families avoid names that will give anyone an idea of where you live. "A bad name would be 'Smith family network' or '13 a street.'"

Go With a High-Quality Wireless Router 

Gone are the days when you need to connect all the computers in your home with cumbersome Cat 5 cables and cover the evidence with strategically-placed throw rugs.  Today's family can get a "home network in a box" simply by choosing the right wireless router. While several brands lead the forefront, the best models are those that are updated and upgraded all the time.

To get a better idea of the perks and pitfalls of each product, check out websites like Amazon for their user reviews, or do a quick Google search for "troubleshooting" and the name of the router you're looking at buying. The results will be eye opening (and could save you money and trouble on a consistently buggy model.) Expect to pay at least $50 for one that will last and can provide free updates as needed.

Check out our full guest post on Life Scoop to see all five expanded suggestions for all kinds of families!

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