Frugal Living

Save the Planet: Work at Home

If every person in the U.S. with a telecommuting-compatible job worked at home on Earth Day, the one-day greenhouse gas savings would equate to taking 77,000 cars off the road

Best Money Tips: Bake a Baguette

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you how to make a baguette, discuss ten

Save Money on Appliances at any Time of Year

You may be looking into buying a replacement for that old fridge or dishwasher, but take a minute to run through these tips.

Landscaping for Energy Conservation

Over time, investing in green landscaping can reduce your heating bills as much as 25 percent and summer cooling bills by 50 percent or more.

6 Ways to Save Money on Eyeglasses

Before you fork out big dollars, read our tips for saving big on your eye care expenses!

How to Budget and Track Expenses for Your Next Vacation

Budget Your Trip is a free online tool that puts some science into estimating, budgeting, and tracking your expenses for your next vacation.

3 Reasons Why Keeping Your "Latte Factor" Will Help You Save Money

Here are a few reasons why keeping your "latte factor" will help you save.

Cleaning the Oil Stove

I'm naturally pretty scared of doing maintenance on anything electric or gas or kerosene oriented. Thankfully my husband was game about cleaning the kerosene stove or we'd be ou

Live Abroad for Less (Also at Home)

All but one of the "live abroad for less" ideas are just as applicable to frugal living in your home country.

IKEA Survival Guide

IKEA is a great place to buy furniture with style that doesn't cost a ton of money. But the store is notorious for sucking away hours of your time and patience. Here are five ha

If Budgeting Isn't Fun, You're Doing It Wrong

Budgeting should be fun. If you don't believe me, you've been doing it wrong.

Best Money Tips: Girl Scout Cookies on the Cheap

Welcome to Wise Bread’s Best Money Tips roundup. Today, tell you how to bargain shop for Thin Mints, the best way to get cheap airfare, and some cool ways to make gourmet tea wi

9 Things Your Office Forgot to Recycle

Here are nine things your office may have forgotten to recycle, along with some guidelines for how to make these recycling programs easy to implement and follow.

Best Money Tips: The Perfect Pie Crust

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you expert tips for making the "perfect" DIY pie crust, how to know if you need gap insurance, and whether a

12 Surprising Ways to Reuse Aluminum Foil

Why throw aluminum foil away when you can use them to sharpen scissors, reduce static cling, and protect your plants! 

The Paper Records You Need — And Those You Can Do Without

As a business owner, there are certain documents that you just have to have, but you can easily wind up with more files than you have room for. So how do you know what to get ri

15 Awesome Storage Solutions for Under $10

Feeling the need to do some Spring Cleaning? Not sure where to stash all your stuff? These storage solutions are not only clever, but they are super-affordable (many are free!)

Would You Pay? The Brave New World of Online Music

There's a new idea on the horizon to get people to pay for the music they download. The gist is pretty simple--make listening to and downloading music into a game, like Foursqua

Homemade Gluten-Free Oreo Cookies

Thanks to this recipe, if your kids are gluten intolerant, they can have their Oreos and eat them, too. And you won't have to worry about dietary repercussions later!

The Underground Guide to International Volunteering (Review)

International volunteering is a genre of travel that is mired in misnomers. Most internet searches will reveal opportunities that cost hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars per we

Latest Articles in Frugal Living

The 8 Most Eye-Opening Money Attractions in the U.S.

Make your next vacation money-themed, and check out these eight amazing attractions across the U.S.

5 Ways Gig Economy Workers Can Save for Retirement

Even if your full-time job consists of several gig economy jobs, you can successfully save for retirement — here's how.

5 Renovations That Don't Increase Your Resale Value

Before you get started on a new home renovation, make sure you know if it'll increase your resale value.

How to Protect Yourself From Credit Card Theft

Don't let a scammer get a hold of your credit card number. Here's how to keep your account secure.

5 Reasons Not to Use Debit Cards When You Shop Online

Before you place an order through your favorite online retailer, consider these reasons to use credit instead of debit.

16 Small Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Finances

Believe it or not, you can improve your finances in a big way by making several small money moves.

How to Maximize Rewards on Everyday Spending

If you're not using your travel or cash back card for certain expenses, you're leaving valuable rewards on the table.

How to Make Better Financial Decisions

Focusing all your efforts into reaching one financial goal is a fairly straightforward process. But what about when you have more than one financial goal? This guide will help.

5 Things Keeping You From a Life of Financial Independence

These are common obstacles that could be standing between you and sweet financial freedom.

Should You Use a Personal Loan or a Home Equity Loan to Remodel Your Home?

Looking to remodel your home? Here's how to decide between a personal loan and a home equity loan to pay for it.

5 Money Moves to Make Before You Turn 40

Before you hit the big 4-0, make sure you've made these money moves.

The 5 Best Products for Dry Skin

If you're looking for a new product to hydrate your skin, look no further than these five!

The 5 Best Products for Oily Skin

There are thousands of products on the market just for people with oily skin, and many of them are budget-friendly! Here are five excellent options.

The 5 Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums

If you're looking to give hyaluronic acid serum spin, any of the five below are excellent picks that won't break your budget.

The 5 Best Eye Shadow Palettes

Here are some excellent eye shadow palettes that offer a wide range of shades and won't break your budget.

The 5 Best Sheet Masks

If you're new to the sheet mask scene, or are looking for a new one to try, these five are excellent picks that won't break your budget.

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Haircare Essentials

Whether you're looking for a dry shampoo, or a root cover-up to hide those grays, you can have the best haircare products delivered right to your door.

The 5 Best Cozy Home Essentials

If you look around your living room or bedroom and don't immediately want to take a nap, something's missing.

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Beauty Essentials

Just because the world has changed doesn't mean you need to neglect your beauty regimens. These products are budget-friendly and will make you feel like a glowing goddess.

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Skincare Essentials

If you've been missing your regular facials, or you're just looking to switch up your skincare routine, these items will give your skin a fresh glow without breaking your budget.