Personal Finance

Do You Really Want to Be Rich?

Many people dream of being rich, but few of us are willing to take the steps to get there — or we take the wrong ones. Here's a better plan.

Easy Ways to Rein in Your Spending Without Sacrificing Fun

Think that frugality means sacrifice? Not necessarily. These four suggestions help you cut costs, not enjoyment.

Always Answer the Call: Expert Advice on Debt Collection

Michelle Dunn has experience as both a debt collector and as a debtor. Get her expert advice on dealing with collections agencies.

How to Understand and Protect Yourself From Inflation

Inflation is inevitable. What you can change, though, is how you deal with it — and these decisions can make or break your financial future.

7 Tips for Stress-Free Retirement Investing

Investing for your future isn't a huge help if you spend each day stressing about it. Follow these suggestions for worry-free savings.

Best Money Tips: Help Your Children Build Credit

Today we found some awesome articles on helping your children build credit, the best things to buy in June, and marketing tactics for job hunters.

Create Your Own Raise

If you haven't gotten a raise recently, maybe you need to create your own. Here's how.

Why I Like Big Banks

Lots of people are ditching their big banks for credit unions — but not this writer. Read on to find out why she loves her big bank.

Is It Time to Starve Your 401(k)?

We're told again and again that feeding a 401(k) guarantees a sturdy retirement. But is that really your best savings option?

Balancing Living in the Now With Planning for the Future

Save for the future! Live in the now! These common bits of advice can seem like polar opposites. Learn how to find balance for a happy financial life.

6 Ways to Vet an IPO Before You Buy

The Facebook IPO has been the subject of a lot of hype — much of which it hasn't lived up to. Learn how to make a well-informed IPO purchase.

Why Saving Money Is a Gift to Your Future Self

It can be hard to save money for a rainy day...or rainy years. Learn why you should, and why thinking about it as a gift can help.

Cancel Student Loans to Save — and Receive an Interest-Free 120-Day Loan

What's an easy way to have less debt? Return money you don't need. In federal loan lingo, it's called "canceling" your loan, and it can save you a lot.

When Avoiding Debt Is the Losing Strategy

It's almost always a good idea to stay out of debt. But sometimes, refusing to take on debt could hurt you in the long run.

9 Costly Things New Homeowners Don't Prepare For

Buying a home can be one of the most exciting things in your life...and the most unexpectedly expensive. Discover nine things you should budget for.

Why I Hate Credit Card Points

Is racking up frequent flier miles a bad idea? Learn why one writer wants almost nothing to do with credit card rewards, unless they're cash back.

Financial Lessons From Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh has remained one of the most endearing characters in children's literature — but there's a lot he can teach us adults about money, too.

Timeless Money Lessons From Teens

From frugal fashion to savvy savings and more, discover money lessons from teens that are great advice at any age.

Slow and Steady Wins the Debt Race

When you're in deep debt, bankruptcy can look appealing. However, the long way out of debt is usually the best way to get — and stay — out of debt.

Get Out of Debt? Why?

Spending money can be a lot of fun, especially when credit keeps things going. It begs a very simple question — why bother getting out of debt?

Latest Articles in Personal Finance

How to Dispute Mistakes On Your Credit Report

Notice something amiss on your credit report? Don't fret. This is how you can dispute any mistakes.

The 8 Most Eye-Opening Money Attractions in the U.S.

Make your next vacation money-themed, and check out these eight amazing attractions across the U.S.

Someone Took Out a Loan in Your Name. Now What?

A fraudulent loan can have dire consequences for your personal finances. Here's how you can fix the problem, stat.

5 Things to Know Before Adding Someone to the Deed

Before you add someone to the deed on your home, you should be aware of these five things.

Banks Still Offering Free Checking and Savings with Great Interest Rates

Tired of fee-gouging from your old bank? Here are the banks with the best checking and savings terms.

Capital One 360: A Competitive Banking Option

CapOne 360 is a great option for those looking for low fees and great interest rates!

5 Best Online Checking Accounts

Whether you're looking to earn interest or for great customer service and reasonable fees, these five online checking account are all wise choices.

5 Ways Gig Economy Workers Can Save for Retirement

Even if your full-time job consists of several gig economy jobs, you can successfully save for retirement — here's how.

5 Renovations That Don't Increase Your Resale Value

Before you get started on a new home renovation, make sure you know if it'll increase your resale value.

How to Protect Yourself From Credit Card Theft

Don't let a scammer get a hold of your credit card number. Here's how to keep your account secure.

5 Reasons Not to Use Debit Cards When You Shop Online

Before you place an order through your favorite online retailer, consider these reasons to use credit instead of debit.

How Cosigning On a Student Loan Could Impact Your Finances

Before you cosign on a student loan, these are four important things to keep in mind.

16 Small Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Finances

Believe it or not, you can improve your finances in a big way by making several small money moves.

How to Maximize Rewards on Everyday Spending

If you're not using your travel or cash back card for certain expenses, you're leaving valuable rewards on the table.

How to Stay Calm During a Market Fluctuation

If you're tempted to bail on investments when you hear scary financial predictions, it's important you learn how to keep your cool.

The Pros and Cons of Refinancing an Auto Loan

Before you refinance your auto loan, here's what you need to know.

How to Make Better Financial Decisions

Focusing all your efforts into reaching one financial goal is a fairly straightforward process. But what about when you have more than one financial goal? This guide will help.

The Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Debt Early

You dream of being debt-free, but is it all it's cracked up to be?

5 Things Keeping You From a Life of Financial Independence

These are common obstacles that could be standing between you and sweet financial freedom.

Should You Use a Personal Loan or a Home Equity Loan to Remodel Your Home?

Looking to remodel your home? Here's how to decide between a personal loan and a home equity loan to pay for it.