General Tips

Reverse engineer the best time of your life

Everybody has a "best time" of their life. Maybe it was the summer you spent hiking the Appalachian trail, or a semester abroad during college, or the second half of the first yea

Debit Or Credit? Which One Should You Choose At The Checkout?

Debit or credit? Although the outcome seems the same, it’s a different process with different consequences.

How To Get A Customer Service Phone Number, Fast!

What do you do when you can't find a company's customer service info? You can do an online search for the phone number, or you can keep two handy sites bookmarked.

Suze Orman Tells Us To Pay ONLY The Minimum On Credit Cards. Wait, What?!

You’re not seeing things. This is not an April Fool’s gag (although if I’d written this last year it would have been). No, this is Suze Orman’s latest advice and it is a complete 1

What Does “YMMV” Mean? The Official Guide to Decoding the Language of Frugality

You don’t have to browse the forums at hot savings sites very long to notice that super-shoppers have their own lingo. Before you let terms like “FAR” and “peelies” scare you away

How to recognize and answer illegal interview questions

In the United States job seekers are protected by a myriad of anti-discrimination laws. Despite these laws many potential employers still want employees that fit a narrow profile

The Overdraft Protection Racket: Why Banks Want You To Overdraw, And How You Can Get Your Money Back.

I know banks are hurting for money right now, but no more than the rest of us. And one aspect of modern banking that I find most disturbing is how banks allow you to go overdrawn s

AIG employees - Why you should donate your bonuses instead of returning it

Lately many top AIG employees who were targeted by Congress in the $165 million "Bonusgate" incident have returned their bonuses. Some people are still holding out, and in my opin

How To Make Your Own Soda, Tidy A Room In Three Minutes, Cure A Hangover And Become A Movie Extra. Phew!

I’m a big fan of Howcast. Their website is a treasure trove of information, and you can also find their videos on popular sites like Metacafe and YouTube. Sometimes their advice is

Could you determine someone's creditworthiness by his or her looks?

Today I read about an interesting study done by Rice University on the correlation between trustworthiness and looks. The researchers utilized the popular peer to peer lending sit

Avoid Big Dental Bills with Safe and Inexpensive Products

Dental care is one of those big expenses that hits us in the pocketbook when we least expect it. Most people pay at least some of their dental bills out-of-pocket. Some people go i

Help End Hunger, Get Kindled, and 3 More Positive Web Tips You Should Know About

There are days when little bits of good news can help undercut the bad. With a recent initiative by Tyson to end hunger, a new super-groovy Kindle-esque iPhone app, and a killer c

Hands in Your Pocket: The Cost of Standby Power - Environmental and Otherwise

Go check your electricity meter box. Is the wheel turning and clicking over, recording your power usage? Probably. Now go back inside, and turn everything off. The lights, the coff

Oprah Asks A Great Question; What Can You Live Without?

My wife brought this to my attention. I’m not an avid Oprah viewer, but usually when I tune in I hear good advice. And with the help of financial guru Suze Orman, she’s asking fami

That "What if you knew you were going to die" question

You've no doubt seen the question in many different forms. Sometimes it's, "What would you do if you learned you were going to die tomorrow?" Other times it's "What would you do

Help Your Teenager Earn Their First Million

As adults, how many times have you wished you had invested money as a teenager or young(er) adult? We're all aware of the power of compounding interest, and the idea that starting

How to check if a flight is delayed

Once in a while friends and relatives would visit my family from other countries, and we usually go to the airport to pick them up. The problem is that sometimes flights are delay

Write for money online series Part 3 -

So far, I have covered two pay for content sites called Bukisa and Associated Content in part one and two of this series. Both of these sites allows a wide range of content, but t

Write for money online series - Part II - Associated Content

In the first part of this series about writing for money online I covered a relatively new revenue sharing site named Bukisa. Today I am reviewing a much more established website

Write for money online series - Part I - Bukisa

I started writing online in 2007 at my personal blog and have not stopped since. I am very fortunate to have been selected to join Wise Bread last year and I have made a steady am

Latest Articles in General Tips

Ask the Readers: How Do You Fight the Winter Blues?

Tell us how you fight the winter blues and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Small Thing Brings You the Most Joy?

Tell us what small thing brings you the most joy and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: 13 First Aid "Facts" That Aren't True

Today we found articles on common first aid myths, legal ways to get Netflix for free, and ways to take charge of your job interview.

11 Ways to Make Living With Roommates Tolerable

Living with roommates isn't always easy, but here's how to make it somewhat tolerable.

10 Personal Issues No One at Work Needs to Hear

With work consuming so much of our lives, it seems natural to share our personal lives and concerns with our colleagues. Don't.

Create a Reverse Bucket List to Improve Your Money Management

A "reverse bucket list" — a running tally of all the wonderful things you've already accomplished — can be the perfect personal finance motivator.

3 Sneaky Ways Identity Thieves Can Access Your Data

Identity thieves are crafty. Get the jump on them by protecting yourself from these underhanded attacks on your identity — and your money.

8 Negotiating Skills Everyone Should Master

Regardless of your job, negotiation is a communication skill that everyone should master. It could save you BIG.

8 Times You Should Never Feel Guilty at Work

Has something at work recently left you feeling guilty? Here's the green light to shrug off those feelings.

10 Ways You're Being a Terrible Neighbor

Unless you enjoy being a terrible neighbor, maybe keep the sloppy parking and late night fireworks to a minimum.

10 Small Gestures That Go a Long Way at Work

It doesn't take much to be a considerate coworker. Work some of these good deeds into your 9-to-5 and brighten everyone's day — especially yours.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Handle Rude Questions About Money?

Tell us how you handle rude questions about money and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

9 Reasons Alone Time Is Good For Your Soul

Need an excuse for more alone time? Here are nine reasons it's good for you.

60+ Halloween Costume Ideas That Can Save You Money and Time

Need some inspiration for costume, and don't want to spend a fortune? Here are over 60 ideas for you and your kids, too!

20+ Things You Need in Your House to Keep Your Family Safe

Home is where the heart is — and where your family should always be safe. Don't skimp on these basic home safety precautions.

Best Money Tips: How to Clean Your Car Like a Pro

Today we found some great articles on the best professional car cleaning tips, ways global warming may affect your finances, and small kitchen appliances you don’t really need.

Dishwasher Smells Bad? Here's How to Fix It

Yikes! Dishwasher smelling a little foul these days? It's a simple fix —anyone can do it!

6 Ways to Protect Yourself From a Lost Gift Card

A gift card is like cash — your bank won't replace what you lose. Save yourself some hassle (and your coffee order!) with some simple gift card security.

5 Newspaper or Magazine Subscriptions That Are Actually Worth the Cost

With so much news and info available for free online, why pay for it? Because you just can't get what some publications create anywhere else.

27 Things You Should Have in Your Utility Drawer

Fess up — we all have a junk drawer. Take yours from "junk" to "utility" with a little organization and these 27 must-have household items.