
Pay Your Bills and 5 Other Things You Must Do Before You Leave on Vacation

Vacation's end can be a real downer. Extend your holiday by making the return home stress free with some easy, before-you-go planning.

Here's What to Do If You Can't Pay Your Bills On Time

You're a day late and a dollar short — it happens. But when late bill payments become a problem, it's time to face the issue head on.

5 Ways to Avoid Expensive Phone Charges When Traveling

Data roaming charges can ruin a travel budget, but you still need to be connected. Cut through the tangle of global data with some simple fixes.

10 Things People Without Debt Do

Debt is not a fact of life. Learn from the lifestyles of those who break free and get on track to following them out of the hole.

7 Ways to Lower Your Credit Card Interest Rate

It might be time for better credit terms. With a little planning, you can negotiate your way to lower credit card interest rates.

What Net Neutrality Means For Your Wallet

Whether you're for or against net neutrality, the new rules covering Internet service could affect your finances. Find out what it may cost you.

Best Money Tips: Make Veterinary Bills More Affordable

Today we found some amazing articles on making veterinary bills more affordable, building a new job wardrobe on the cheap, and saving money when you move.

6 Steps to Take When You Have More Bills Than Income

When the bills are mounting, don't give up! Get proactive with your creditors, cut your costs, and start rebuilding your credit. Here's how.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Reduce Vet Bills

Today we found some amazing articles on reducing vet bills, living without a car, and haggling for a better price on everything.

Pay Bills Early? Only If You Want to Save Money

Paying your bills late can hurt you with late fees and surcharges. Moreover, if you pay early, you can get some serious discounts. Learn more.

Watch Out for These 4 Sneaky Charges on Your Monthly Bills

Some businesses will try to slip unfair fees onto your bill. Watch for these extras on your statements to be certain you're only paying what you owe.

Best Money Tips: Organize and Simplify Your Bills

Today we found some awesome articles on organizing and simplifying your bills, unexpected expenses to keep in mind, and making a restaurant menu work in your favor.

Best Money Tips: Things That Cause Your Bills to Skyrocket

Today we found some great articles on things that cause your bills to skyrocket, how to measure and track wealth, and saying no when friends or family ask for money.

How to Get Back on Track When You're Behind on Your Bills

The bills are punctual, but your payments keep leaving late. Get ahead of your payables by knowing what you owe and making a plan to pay it.

10 Ways to Shave $10 (or More) Off Your Grocery Bill

Need to save $10 this week? Try just one of these 10 easy ways to save $10 on your next trip to the grocery store, and you've done it!

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Vet Bills

Today we found some fantastic articles on saving on vet bills, items you can buy cheaper online than in-store, and the worst money mistakes anyone can make.

Organizing Your Financial Paperwork

By reducing paperwork before you organize, keeping your financial documents in order can become quick, easy, and (mostly) painless.

Best Money Tips: How to Dispute Your Mechanic Bill

Today we found some great articles on disputing your mechanic bill, 3 things to do when deciding to buy a house, and how to get a job using LinkedIn.

Video on How to Spot Counterfeits

As part of introducing the new $100 that'll come out in February, the US Treasury is producing a video podcast, and the current episode is on spotting counterfeit notes.

A One Touch Approach To Managing Household Finances

Over the years I've implemented elaborate tickler systems, email reminders and various other ways to remind myself not to forget to pay a few paper bills. At some point they all f