Articles on Entrepreneurship

Best Money Tips: How to Build a Lazy Yet Successful Business

Today, we give you tips on how to choose a commuter bike, save money on prescriptions when you don't have insurance, and build a lazy yet successful business.

How to Secure Business Financing Without a Personal Guarantee

You can build your business credit fairly quickly and potentially eliminate the need for a personal guarantee if you plan for it from the outset.

Bringing in a Pro to Value Your Business: The Questions You Must Ask

A business appraiser or a certified valuation analyst has the education and expertise necessary to put a dollar value on a company.

Lessons We Can Learn From Blockbuster's Demise

As the video giant Blockbuster files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, marketing experts everywhere are asking the same question: what went wrong?

Writing Your Own Business Plan: Thrifty or Foolish?

Are you really saving money by writing your business plan yourself?

How to Raise Money on “Crowdfunding” Sites

Crowdfunding enable entrepreneurs in artisanal and creative businesses to collect small donations from friends, family, and acquaintances to bring a project to fruition.

Why Germans Have Longer Vacation Times and More Productivity

Self-sacrifice has almost always gone hand-in-hand with American entrepreneurship and small businesses. Yet Europeans have always seemed to have taken a different route when it com

12 Ways Your Financial Statements Tell Lenders the Wrong Story

Your financial statements may not make the bestseller list, but they do tell an intriguing story — at least to a banker. Unfortunately, the tale they tell may be misleading.

Planning in the Last Quarter of 2010

Between now and the end of the year, businesses should take various actions to help their bottom line for 2010 and to get ready for 2011. Here are some actions to consider.

Financial Controls to Protect Your Money from Fraud and Theft

Diverting proceeds from cash sales and waiving fees for a friend are less noticeable cases of employee theft. Carve out time to establish financial controls.

The Difference Between Your Accountant and Your Financial Planner

Many business owners surmise that their accountant can do the job of both accounting and financial planning (or vice versa) when in fact, the two roles complement each other.

The Characteristics Angel Investors Expect

Even after you pique the interest of an investor, you have to convince him of the value of investing in your entrepreneurial efforts.

Startup Capital with Fewer Strings: A Look at Royalty Based Financing

An infusion of capital can breathe new life into a fledgling business, but there’s often a concern that investment capital means losing control of your vision. Meet a concept that’

Peer to Peer Lending: Prosper Marketplace or Lending Club?

Whether you're a borrower or investor, here is a quick comparison guide on the two largest peer to peer lending companies.

How to Create a PR Crisis Strategy Before You Need It

The day you realize that you need a crisis strategy is usually the day you have a crisis.

Managing Employees Who Irritate Others

Even the most sophisticated and well-meaning people can bring quirky behaviors to the workplace.

5 Mega Companies and Their Founding Facts (and Myths)

It's easy to be drawn to real-life success stories, but occasionally, some stories become embellished. Here are five companies that have amazing founding stories, with a few myths

Is Your Business Well-Positioned for Growth?

What does it mean to be well-positioned for growth? How does a company ensure they'll be ready when the economy recovers?

How to Get a Business Line of Credit

As a result of seasonal credit demands, entrepreneurs frequently encounter difficulties managing their cash flow.

5 Apps for Business Owners on the Go

There are hundreds and hundreds of apps out there, many of which help businesses move more efficiently. Here's a list of five great smartphone apps for business owners on the go.