
23 Classic Breakfast Cereals We All Miss

Saturday mornings as a kid were not complete without your favorite cereal. Here are 23 classics we miss.

Get Free Stuff by Eating Cereal, Drinking Soda, and Watching TV

If you're willing to search for product codes, tweet a brand name, or watch a product demo, you can get free stuff. Sit up straight, couch potato!

5 Creative Uses for Stale Cereal

Don't toss out that stale breakfast cereal! Instead, check out these ways to ensure that none of it goes to waste.

19 Uses for Empty Cereal Boxes

Don't throw out that Cheerios box! When the cereal's all gone, use the cardboard for one of these fun and useful projects.

Feelin’ Flakey: 7 Delicious Corn Flake Ideas

There's a lot more to do with corn flakes than just toss 'em in a bowl with some milk. Discover surprising uses for this cheap ingredient.

FREE food for diabetics

Get them quick folks, because I can't find an expiration date on either of these special offer pages. The good folks at Glucerna are giving away cereal and milkshakes completely free. [more]