
How Every Woman Can Take Control of Her Finances

Women, don't be another statistic. It's time to forge ahead on these critical money matters, or face retiring in poverty.

Here's What Happens to a Mortgage in a Divorce

Divorce is messy. And step one is figuring out how to split ways with your biggest shared asset; your home.

5 Money Moves to Make the Moment You Decide to Get Divorced

Finding a lawyer is the instinctive first move when a marriage falls apart. Making these critical money decisions should be second.

5 Ways to Protect Your Business During a Divorce

Just because your marriage went kaput doesn't mean your jointly-run small business needs to. Here's how to protect yourself — and your business.

Can a Failed Marriage Lead to Business Failure?

Many happily married business owners avoid thinking about what happens to the firm if the marriage dissolves. But waiting 'til the end may mean parting ways with the company, too.

Review of Women Empowering Themselves: A Financial Survival Guide

Although it's targeted at divorced women, this book is a valuable read for women of any relationship status who want to take control of their finances.

Make Love, Not Money (Sort Of)

Even during a recession, it turns out that love can still trump money.

The Economics of Marriage and Health - Til Death Do Us Part

Studies have shown that a healthy marriage could translate into a healthy heart, not to mention saving money on health care or an expensive divorce.

Could a Divorce Improve Your Finances?

When I was single, I thought that getting married would reduce my expenses greatly, and after I got married I realized that in some instances

Realistic Budgeting: The Marriage Saver

The road to divorce is not necessarily paved with infidelity, quite possibly it's paved with secretive purchases and a lack of budget that causes both parties resentment and st