Articles on Budgeting

5 Easy Ways to Save in 2010

With the New Year coming up fast, we're all busy making of which, is undoubtedly to find ways to save more. But saving isn't always easy, especially when you're a

Fuel Up Your Kids -- Frugally

Fueling your kids with fat, sodium, and sweet stuff is no way to help them cruise through the day. The good news is that, despite the sluggish economy, you can provide low-fat and

Get Out of Debt First, Then Focus on Saving

When you’re in debt, it’s nearly impossible to save money. The money you save while paying off debt is not likely to earn as much interest as the interest you pay towards your debt

Get More Bang for Your Membership Buck!

If you are looking for a way to get out of the house, and do something without breaking the bank, it may seem your options are limited, but using these simple tricks, you will be a

Thanksgiving: 3 Ways (This Thanksgiving We're Going to Party Like It's 1621)

I’m celebrating Thanksgiving three times this year. In the spirit of the Plymouth colonists’ and Wampanoag Confederacy’s first dinner, I’m going to follow their example on what mak

Year-End Holiday Celebrations for Less

Whether you’re hosting this year’s Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts, or not, there are several small touches you can create that are both affordable and beautiful. My family has c

What It Really Costs to Own a Home

I’m a mortgage-free homeowner but, despite paying off my loan, I still have plenty of expenses associated with owning and maintaining my house.

The First Step to Budgeting

Why do so many budgets fail? Because the first step to budgeting is omitted. When implemented correctly, it can make a huge difference. When the first step is neglected, intangible

5 Potluck Parties That Help You Share the Wealth

Having no money has never kept me from having a good time. Over the years I’ve developed several pot luck-style parties that are not only easy to tweak for just about any location

Tools to Get Organized, Family Style

Many people think I’m incredibly well organized because I can easily manage (certain) projects and recite dates, locations, deadlines, etc. for my family’s activities. The truth is

Menu Planning Backwards and Forwards

We all know it saves time and money to plan a weekly dinner menu. You're also more likely to eat a healthy diet and less likely to cop out and pick up a Big Mac, because you know y

Can You Save Money by Renting Textbooks?

When I went to college it was unheard of to rent textbooks, but a number of outfits such as Chegg, Campus Book Rentals, and have sprung up in the last few years that

Budgeting Tricks for Parents

Being a parent, you may be able to admit (at least to yourself) that you enjoy indulging your children even if it is to the detriment of your budget. Here are some tips to help you

Prepaid Gift Cards for Modern Envelope Budgeting

Interested in budgeting your money but don't want to carry loads of cash? Enter in the modern equivalent using Gift Check Cards or Preloaded Student cards.

Saving for Opportunity

What happens if an opportunity comes your way that you just can’t pass on, but just can’t find the money for either? If you have an opportunity account, you won’t have this problem

Managing Your Short-Term Money

It's easy to find books and articles on how to manage your money to support your long-term goals. You can read a lot about stocks and bonds, retirement accounts, investing in gold

How I'm Conquering My Bag Lady Fears: My 10-Step Program

What keeps me up late at night? I worry about becoming a bag lady. And I have plenty of company; a lot of women (and some men also)have secret fears about living on the streets wit

Budgeting for Your Next Vacation: Yaycations

Here is a fun tool to help you figure out how you can save money, and then where that money can take you. It gives us a chance to dream big, and (even better) find ways to make tho

47 Simple Ways To Waste Money

How are you doing with your money? Do you have everything under control, or are you spending a little more than you should? Well, if you'd like to blow even more of your money, thi

Simplify budgeting with personal money

Many couples keep their finances partially (or even completely) separate. One big reason is that spending joint money on individual expenses can lead to disputes, and keeping sepa