Articles on Lifestyle

How to Sell Your Crap: A Book Review and Tips

Although it’s daunting, selling your extra stuff can also be cathartic and lucrative. Learn how with these tips from Adam Baker's new e-book.

6 Frugal Promises I Have Not Kept

I have made a number of public declarations of my frugal ambitions over the years here on Wise Bread. Here are some of my biggest failures.

10 Hidden Costs That Hurt Your Wallet

From spend-happy friends to bad bulk buying and more, these sneaky costs and poor financial habits could be sucking the life out of your bank account.

Interview With Love Drop Co-Founder J. Money

Learn about a new micro-giving service designed to change one life at a time.

Fitness For People Who Hate Exercise

Working out at a gym is an effective way to get fit, but it can sure be dull. Here are some alternative exercise routines to keep your heart pumping without boring you to tears.

45 Other Things to Do on Super Bowl Sunday

The Super Bowl isn't for everyone. If you prefer baking to blind sides and decoupage to touchdowns, here are some alternatives to watching the game.

Money-Saving Tricks I Learned Planning an Elopement

I always thought that eloping meant flying to Hawaii to get married on the beach with a hired witness. I was wrong, and now I'm saving tons of money.

The Buy-Nothing Lifestyle: Lessons from a Frugal Experiment

Ready to drastically cut your spending? Learn what it's like from these folks who challenged themselves to buy nothing for a month — or longer.

Choosing a Luxury Eccentricity

A useful tactic for dealing with those who think you need to spend more, a luxury eccentricity helps deflect criticism while allowing you to indulge.

9 Items City-Dwelling Dudes Should Keep in Their Bags

Guys don't need much, but these essential items should be in every man's everyday bag.

Should a Second Marriage Be Celebrated (and Paid for) Like the First?

People spend a lot of money to make their weddings once-in-a-lifetime experiences. So what do you do if you have a second one?

Beyond Debt-Free: Getting By in the New Economy

Living debt-free is a great goal — but as the economy remains shaky, is that enough? Discover more ways to make sure you're on solid financial ground.

5 Ways to Yank the Leash on Pet Expenses

Pets are part of our families, but those cats, cockatiels, and Cocker Spaniels can cut into the bottom line. Learn how to budget for man's best friends.

Reselling Antiques: The Five Principles of Power Picking

It's a part-time job, a hobby, and a passion — learn the art of successful antique picking.

Book Review: Off the Grid

I've always used the term "off the grid" in a literal sense — not being connected to power or other systems. Nick Rosen means more than that.

5 Reasons to Change Traditional Holiday Gift-Giving

Few of us need more stuff cluttering our lives. Discover why you should re-think traditional gift-giving...and what you should give instead.

7 Frugal Lessons from Great-Grandmother

You don't have to look far for great frugal living tips, just back a couple of generations.

How to Live in a Big City on a Small-Town Budget

From delicious restaurants to fun events, you can enjoy the exciting perks of living in a big city while staying frugal.

5 Ways to Spend Less on Fido and Fluffy

While having a pet may make your life fuller, sometimes it won't make you monetarily richer. Here are five simple ways to save money on pet expenses.

I'm Financially Free. Now What?

We spend our whole life trying to reach our retirement goal. What do we do when we actually reach it? Here are some suggestions that anyone can and should follow.