Articles on Frugal Living

How to Save Money During the Halloween Rush

With the Halloween season upon me, I realize that there is a great push to spend money. Even if I'm on a budget and saving money, that temptation to blow my budget isn't too far ou

Carving a Pumpkin This Fall? Don't Throw Any of It Away!

Americans buy more than one billion pounds of pumpkins at Halloween, and the vast majority of those end up in the trash. But at my house, we eat our jack-o-lantern, every last bit

7 Cheap and Natural Ways to Fight the Cold and Flu

I have found 7 cheap and natural suggestions for beating the common cold or flu.

28 Ways to Have Cheap Halloween Fun

Halloween spending has come to rival the Christmas shopping season -- a boon to retailers but not so much to debt-strapped consumers. Here are some ideas for skipping Halloween exp

Should There Be a "Fat Tax" on Junk Food?

Yes. Well, that's just my humble opinion, but I really don't see why this has so many people throwing their arms up in the air with shock. We tax liquor and cigarettes, neither of

5 Reasons We’re Spending MORE on Halloween Costumes This Year

The frugal gal in me would seem poised to present several homemade options for the trick-or-treat crowd. After some careful thought and an analysis of what we truly needed for cost

Three E-Books to Help You Make Money, Travel, and Change Your Life

It’s no secret that many of us are looking for something different in life. And one of the biggest things we can change about our lives is how we work. If we are not tied to a desk

5 Websites for Swapping Your Clothes and Refreshing Your Wardrobe

Clothing swaps parties have become popular in recent years as frugal and fashion conscious men and women find that trading clothes is a great way to update a wardrobe for next to n

Who has the time (or money) for deals?

I pay almost no attention to "deals" sites. I scarcely even read the lists of deals here on Wise Bread. There are several reasons, but they pretty much come down to two things: I d

7 Ways to Get the Best Fall and Holiday Travel Deals

This year especially, traveling will be easier on the wallet. If you're planning to get away in the next few months, here are some tips to get the best travel deals.

3 Times to Consider Declining Your Employer's Health Coverage

Open enrollment is right around the corner, and with it comes your opportunity to make decisions that could dictate your medical expenses for an entire year. Is considering droppin

The Ultimate Thrift Store: How Far Will You Go for a Bargain?

Do you brag about your thrift-store finds? You might be overpaying! Find out about "dump" thrift stores.

7 Ways to Save on Cat Care

Before you get out that frugal yard stick and start lecturing about spending too much money on cat toys and accessories, understand that the majority of those expenses are spent on

Outfit Your Nursery for Less: 10 Tips for Finding Low-Cost, High-Quality Things You Need for Your Baby

Are you having a baby or do you know someone who is? It's an expensive process, particularly when it comes to buying all the accessories that seem to come along with having childre

5 Reasons to Use Your Outdoor Furniture -– Inside

I purchased a lovely outdoor furniture set this year for my future patio. The problem was that the patio never got built. Our solution? Bring it inside. Here are the five reasons w

Barter Explained: Why It's Wise to Barter

"Barter." We hear that word a lot these days. Do a Google-search and you'll be deluged with websites on the subject. But what exactly is barter, why is barter seeing a huge resurg

Cheap and Easy Halloween Costumes for Kids

I love Halloween but hate paying high prices for kids' costumes. Over the years, I have managed to create a few costumes cheaply.

Best Money Tips: 101 Ways to Take a Bite out of Your Food Budget

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup! We share over 100 effective ways to spend less on your grocery bill, 7 tips for investing in the stock market (even if you have

America Is the No Vacation Nation

Studies show that Americans are not using all their vacation time and are not given as much vacation time as other developed countries to begin with.

Craigslist Shopping 101

Here are the basic details of how Craigslist works and the tools that can give you the advantage in buying only the best!