Articles on Frugal Living

26 Green Websites that Save You Money

There are countless green websites on the internet today, ranging from tips about green parenting to business ideas for eco entrepreneurship. But, what if you're looking for ways t

A Cheapskate’s Guide to Eating Out

Are there ways to chop the bill and eat out for less? You bet.

Best Money Tips: 5 Tips on How to Delay Gratification

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. We’ve got tips for making a house a home, a condo a house, and a life with less than you ever thought possible. Read on for the

Thrive as a Starving Writer--Lessons from the Experts

The web is full of advice for starving writers. And why not? Any writer has heard the advice "Write what you know," and one thing many writers know is about being a starving writer

Cooking from Scratch: Where's the Work?

Over the past couple of years, I've moved more toward cooking as much from scratch as I can. I've tried to isolate the places where the biggest concentration of work is in cooking

Save Money: Take the Boring Challenge

Most people think saving money has to be fun and exciting in order to work. Not so. I took The Boring Challenge and saved over $2,000. How much money will you save?

You Can Watch Your Netflix Instant Queue Using Your Xbox 360

Recently, my son noticed that the Netflix logo appeared on his Xbox 360, when he was just browsing through his “dashboard”. He knows way more about the Xbox than I ever will, but

Save Money on Travel Accommodations

I don't travel just to sleep in fancy hotel beds, and I prefer to keep as much of my travel budget available for entertainment as possible! You might be able to save money on your

Prepaid Gift Cards for Modern Envelope Budgeting

Interested in budgeting your money but don't want to carry loads of cash? Enter in the modern equivalent using Gift Check Cards or Preloaded Student cards.

The Many Reasons to Make Do with Less

Why would someone choose to have less than they could? Lots of reasons. There are as many ways to live large as there are people who refuse to think small. Over the time I've be

Disneyland on the (Sort of) Cheap

If you're considering a trip to Disneyland, these tips just might help you save your wallet.

Cost of Rearranging the Furniture - $0. New Living Room - Priceless.

They say a change is as good as a rest. Well, they're right. My wife and I have had the same living room layout since we moved into our home. As our home is small, we just assumed

Household Cleaning Hacks That Save You Money

Here are a few household cleaning hacks that will save you money on power costs, cleaning solutions, and will even save your precious time.

5 Ways to Save Time and Money on Your Lawn

U.S. lawn care services is a $12 billion annual industry. Why not reduce the size of your lawn and save money, time and the environment too?

10 Economy-Based Games That Make You Think

These games are high on strategy, and you may learn a thing or two about how the economy works.

You Trade-In Your Car…Why Not Your Home?

Here’s a question for you that has been bugging me for years; why can’t home-builders follow the auto dealer’s classic model of old for new, and let people trade-in their old homes

The Five-Day Freeze: Batch Cooking for the Rest of Us

Here are my tips on batch cooking for those who work a full-time job, have tiny ones underfoot, or just generally hate cooking for days at a time.

How to Conserve Water by Harvesting Rain or Snow

Recently rainwater harvesting is becoming more popular in America and states such as Arizona and New Mexico are adopting laws that mandate the practice for new buildings. Here are

Best Money Tips: Screw It, I'm Buying an Air Conditioner

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. In this edition, we'll share with you how to stay cool, quit your job, learn from metaphors, make money from your crafts, and more!

Cashflow: The Board Game That Will Teach You To Be Rich, If You Can Afford It.

Can a simple board game teach you the secrets of the wealthiest people alive? Is it possible to change your mindset, and your attitude to money, by playing a game? And can a board