Articles on Frugal Living

Failed Frugality: 5 Clues You’ve Gone Too Far

For most people, frugality is a lifestyle choice born out of necessity. A lost job, increase in expenses, or a battle with debt has forced them to take extreme measures to balance

Who Cares if there's a Recession? I just started a business

Thinking about starting a little business on the side in the middle of a recession? Go ahead and try it! I am.

More Living a Life of Weisure - 15 Suggestions to Help You Keep the "L" In Your Leisure-Time

If living a life of weisure is not your cup of tea, then here are some suggestions that might help you to make the most of your free time.

The Disaster Known as the California State Budget

Live in California? Fed up with the budget crisis? If you could whisper a suggestion in your state reps ear or our illustrious governor, what would you suggest?

Living a Life of Weisure?

Blurring the lines between our personal and professional lives has its pros and cons.

15 Wonderful Uses for Witch Hazel

What can you do with witch hazel, the mightily useful little medicinal marvel? Here's a rundown.

Guest post: Live a rich life on a budget

I have a guest post up at Get Rich Slowly that suggests that you be a bon vivant: "A bon vivant is a person who lives well — someone who enjoys the best things in life, especially

Carnival of Personal Finance #205: Pay it Forward Edition

Wikipedia tells us that the expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead. More specifically,

Would you get rid of credit cards if stores give more discounts to customers who pay cash ?

I am sure you have encountered a store or gas station that has a set of prices for cash customers and a set of prices for credit card customers. Usually the credit card customer h

On Choosing and Defending Your Luxuries

How do you defend your luxuries? Easy: You defend them to yourself, not to some other guy.

Make Love, Not Money (Sort Of)

Even during a recession, it turns out that love can still trump money.

The Lazy Environmentalist Teaches Us to Be Green (with little to no effort)

I’m all for living a cleaner, more sustainable lifestyle, but at what cost? If it takes an unusually large amount of money or a time commitment that I just can’t make, you can mos

Save Money by Rekindling the Art of Reusing your Stuff

We could all stand to learn to rekindle the art of reusing by breathing new life into old stuff.

DON'T Buy It Now on eBay without using cashback

You've been saving money with your online purchases thanks to Wise Bread, but wanna save even more? I know that got your attention.

Best Money Tips: The Cost of Things

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we look at the cost of stuff, even stuff you don't really think about.

How to Recycle your Clothes, Shoes, Electronics, and More

We have so much STUFF. Cell phones that don’t work any more. Batteries that won’t charge any more. Shoes that have holes in them. The list goes on. We don’t want to throw this old

Frugal Mother’s Day Gift Ideas from Bargain Babe

Julia Scott, aka Bargain Babe, is a classic example of someone who can balance the low-cost of frugal living with the time and effort needed to make life meaningful. Tonight’s int

Do Americans really want to "Go Dutch"?

I just read a very interesting article by an American expat named Russell Shorto in the Netherlands titled "Going Dutch - How I Learned to Love the European Welfare State". The

Using Money to Track Swine Flu

It turns out that the flow of money may hold some insight into the spread of swine flu.

Survivor Island Meal Plans: Use it or Lose It in 5 Easy Steps

Whether you’re a bit strapped for cash, or you’re facing the dreaded task of defrosting your freezer, it’s always good to do a complete “use it up” routine with your food supply.