Articles on Frugal Living

How Haggling Taught Me About Life

I used to be afraid of bargaining. The thought of haggling over a price, or even asking for a discount, was embarrassing. Then I began visiting countries in which haggling is expec

Cheap and Romantic Ideas for Valentine's Day (And Any Other Day of the Year)

I have always loathed Valentine's day because everywhere I went I would see gaudy pink and red balloons and roses and men who are literally suckered into buying the useless thi

Make a crafty airbrush out of old junk

Sometimes the ingenuity of people knocks me out. As I was surfing today to find new and exciting ways to save money, I came across a video on Metacafe. It has almost no sound, b

Explaining Away the Green M&M

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the company behind M&M’s has decided to let the urban legend run wild. No longer will the impotent and un

Frugal Tip: Do Not Spend When You Are Sad

Have you ever paid more than you normally would for something when you are trying to cheer yourself up? A recent study showed that a group of people who were sad offered almost fo

Volunteer to Travel: 11 Opportunities for Free or Very Cheap Travel

Here are 11 options for free or very cheap travel through volunteering.

Bridging The Gap From Dining Out To Eating In

Feeling guilty about not having bridged the gap from dining out to cooking in? Don't. Follow my lead and I show you how to take baby steps from full-service to self-service.

Frugal Ways to Stay in Touch on the Road

So you need to remain accessible while you're traveling, but don't want to succumb to your cellular provider's obscene roaming and long distance charges. Pay phones

Tips for Perimeter Perusing at Target

In addition to the fantastic finds on the end caps of most aisles of your local Target store, there are fabulous hidden deals to be had for those of us who rea

Let things go

Two of the unhappiest people I ever knew lived in the apartment below mine when I lived for two years in Salt Lake City. They acted as on-site managers--collected rent checks in

9 ways Star Wars can inspire you to save money.

Ok, so I admit it; I’m a Star Wars geek (although I’m certainly not alone). I was watching my favorite of the original trilogy last night, The Empire Strikes Back, when I had an ep

Cooking Without Crepe Pans and Other Expensive Kitchen Tools

I like kitchen gadgets as much as the next girl, but I just can’t justify splurging on a crepe pan (or other tool) that I’ll use maybe once a month, at the most. So which kitchen u

Chicken GUTS & Author GLORY: Tales From My Cheapskate Book Tour

For my latest TV appearance, I had to prepare a three course cheapskate menu using ony ingredients costing under $1 a pound and, as an added hook I promised to incorporate creat

Six Ways to Stay Warm and Reduce the Heating Bill

Are you paying through your nose  to heat your home this winter? Is your heater broken? Read on for some practical tips to reduce your energy bill and stay warm at the same time.

Trying Out CVS Madness

I've heard about the frugal shoppers storming CVS for free merchandise from KY Jelly to glucose monitors. Was this a penny-enny game for grandmothers with too much time on thei

Strategies for households with more than one adult

The strategy for households with a single adult can be disposed of in the first paragraph: Earn enough money to buy everything your household consumes, plus provide through direct

Instructables for the Extreme Cheap Lifestyle

Are you a super cheapskate with an affinity for making everything yourself? Here are some Instructables that will tickle your fancy! Learn to furnish your home, gather food, and

Hostels vs Hotels: Choosing the Perfect Place to Stay Within your Budget

Most people think that the frugal way to travel is to stay in hostels. However there are a number of scenarios where that may not be the case. Read on for some tips on how to

School Bookstores Can't Afford Cheap Textbooks

I'm taking just one course this semester, with just one reasonably priced textbook. According to the back cover, the price was $29.95, but that isn't the price I paid. I pu

A better way to create a budget

The only easy way to create a budget is to start with what you spent last month (and last year) and copy the numbers forward. If you don't do that, you're going to miss so