life hacks

Avoid These 7 Things When Living With Roommates

It's not easy making the rent, and for many, roommates are unavoidable. Let's try to make this arrangement as painless as possible, shall we?

11 Great Life Hacks Your Grandparents Forgot to Share With You

While modern technology has made life easier, there are still some incredible life hacks our grandparents used to use. And we should, too!

12 Smart Uses for Safety Pins

The humble safety pin can do more than just conceal clothing tears. Dig a couple out from the bottom of the drawer and put them to work!

The Step-by-Step Guide to Rolling Over Your 401(k)

Taking a 401(k) distribution when you leave a job will cost you. Take 10 minutes to rollover your account and keep your retirement fund growing.

This Recent Grad Paid Off $34K in Student Loans and Launched a Business (In Just 4 Years)

From intern to entrepreneur, this is the true tale of how a recent grad used her intern experience to launch a business and pay back $34,000 in debt.

How One Couple Paid Off $147k of Debt (Even While Unemployed)

Get inspired to eliminate your debt with the story of one couple who stopped borrowing, retired $147,000 in debt, and started living life on their own terms.

How One College Graduate Paid Off $28,000 in Three Years on a $30K Salary

Yes, you can pay off your student loans — or any other big debts. Learn how one saver is repaying $28,000 in student loans in just three years.

7 Bizarre Ways to Stay on Budget (That Actually Work)

Good for you if you've made a budget! If you're struggling to stick to it, try one of these offbeat motivators and get back on track.

Best Money Tips: Best Life Hacks of 2012

Today we found some stellar article on the best life hacks of 2012, how to save on your electric bill, and ways to make extra money.

Help End Hunger, Get Kindled, and 3 More Positive Web Tips You Should Know About

There are days when little bits of good news can help undercut the bad. With a recent initiative by Tyson to end hunger, a new super-groovy Kindle-esque iPhone app, and a killer c

A Little Light in Dark Financial Times

I have more vehicle repairs to make than I have days in a year. My sink is clogged, and I’m bailing out water with buckets. Diapers just went up another 15% in my area. (And gue