Articles on Consumer Affairs

The Gift Card Scam of 2011: Don’t Be a Victim

There's a chance that the gift card you just bought or received could be worthless. Learn about the new gift card scam, and how to protect yourself.

The Safest Cars for Teen Drivers

Watching your kid drive away in his first car can be nerve-racking. Feel better by finding the safest frugal vehicle for your teen.

The Psychology of Free, and Its Power Over You

From Craigslist to grocery samples, free stuff is everywhere. Understand how marketers use "free," the psychology behind it, and how it affects your habits.

6 Signs That a Winning Notification Email Is a Fake

Whether you regularly enter sweepstakes or are just concerned about email scams, follow these tips to avoid becoming a victim.

How a 5-Minute Email Saved Me $140

When you have a major problem with a purchase (and an exchange, and returning that exchange...), a well-worded complaint might be all you need.

How to Sell Gold Without Getting Ripped Off

High gold prices mean this could be a lucrative time to clean out your jewelry box, but don't let a rip-off waste this golden opportunity.

5 Ways to Snag Budget-Friendly Business Clothes

Buying new business clothes can seriously dent your budget, especially if you're unemployed. But you don't have to go into debt to dress for success.

How to Get a Refund When Something Is Non-Refundable

The terms "non-refundable" and "non-returnable" make too many people avoid customer service. But with these tips, you can get results.

LCD vs. Plasma: What's the Better Value?

If you're longing to make a big-screen TV the centerpiece to your home theater system, consider the deal-rich plasma option.

The Ads That Are Part of Your Life

From the do-everything guys of Dos Equis and Old Spice to Snickers' hunger alter-egos, do you find yourself reciting these popular ad campaigns?

How to Avoid Phishing Scams

Scammers always try to pass themselves off as legit. Here's why I thought I was getting scammed recently, and how to make sure it doesn't happen to you.

Clipped Wings: Can Consumers Fix Air Travel?

From luggage fees, late flights, and TSA screening procedures, can air travel be saved? How can consumers help improve the industry?

Eliminate Junk Mail With the Click of a Button

If your mailbox is filled with flyers or crammed with catalogs, use these websites to reduce your share of junk mail.

10 Surprising Facts About Flooding and Your Home

What do you know about flood protection? Even if you have insurance, you might not be covered...but getting coverage might also be easier than you think.

How to Get the Lowest Price on Airfare, Even After You Buy

Here are some tips to help you track flight prices easily, keep an eye out for price drops, and even get a refund if you’ve bought your ticket already.

How to Avoid Moving Scams

What sucks worse than moving? Getting scammed by your movers. Here's how to avoid getting taken to the cleaners by unscrupulous moving companies.

How to Get a Groupon Refund When a Company Closes

I had a Groupon for a company that just went out of business. Yikes! Here's how I got my money back.

Dropping the Price of Gas to $2.50 a Gallon in a Week

Could a few well-chosen words by President Obama cause the price of oil, and therefore gasoline, drop sharply in just a few days? It's worth a thought.

Party Like It's 19.99: The Psychology of Pricing

Does the store you're shopping at want to be seen as a bargain? A purveyor of luxury goods? A renegade? The answer is in the last two digits of the price.

John Cummuta: Transforming Your Debt Into His Wealth

The "Transforming Debt Into Wealth" guy claims he can make you debt-free in five-to-seven years. But is it really doable? We ran the numbers to find out.